burning Inupiat eskimos? or an embellishment? https://uforeview.tripod.com/haarp.html"Here. Look at the ultraviolet and radiation the came through right after they did it. They blew away the shield and all the radiation just came right down and zapped Earth. And look. It lasted for a long time!"
Eden asked if anyone had been hurt by these tests. The answer chilled him to his bones.
"Shit, yes. Here in Alaska there were Eskimos that were all fried and like whole herds of antelopes. But the holes also moved west and did their real harm in Siberia. But it isn't just the people it killed. It made these people and animals sick from the radiation that came from the Sun - the stuff that's usually blocked by the atmosphere - and so there have been still births and cancers and mutations. They are trying to keep it all real hushed. It's insane. And the worst part is that they are going to use it again!"
There are also reports of bizarre weather over Iraq during the U.S. invasion in 2004. It seems obvious that HAARP is being used to manipulate the weather all over the planet. The Washington Post reported that a growing number of physicists and others in the scientific community are becoming increasingly worried.
A "small group of American physicists, some of whom have aired complaints in scientific journals, fear HAARP may not simply be the simple research experiment that advocates describe, but possibly phase one of a secret U.S. military program that could be seeking ways to blow other countries' spacecraft out of the sky or disrupt communications over large portions of the planet."
Richard Williams, a physicist and consultant to the David Sarnoff laboratory in Princeton alleges HAARP constitutes "an irresponsible act of global vandalism." He and others fear a secret second stage where HAARP would "beam much more energy into the ionosphere. That could produce a severe disruption of the upper atmosphere at one location that may produce effects that spread rapidly around the Earth for years."
Documents acquired from the Office of Naval Research via the Freedom Of Information Act reveal a more ominous purpose for HAARP. According to these documents, the U.S. military believes the former Soviet Union has similar heaters with which they claim to have achieved higher levels of ionospheric reaction than possible so far in the "West".
Although smaller in size than the secret HAARP project, there are many other ground based transmitting heaters in operation around the world; Tromso, Norway and Arecibo, Puerto Rico among them.
Michel Chossudovsky, professor of economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Center for Research on Globalization, says that: "There are very clear statements by the U.S. Air Force to the effect that weather modification technology is available, HAARP is fully operational and could be used in actually military situations. It is clear that weather warfare does constitute an instrument of the Air Force, they even identify the scenarios of its use."
Can these heaters already be changing the weather, and have they somehow contributed to the recent climate-based catastrophes in the U.S? How many humans have contracted cancers and other sicknesses that might have remained dormant if not triggered by these transmissions?
Climate change. In the making? Have the problems been due to the research all along? Or while they are listening to submarines over the horizon? Maybe they should just stop. Or is it too late? Then, bring on the cloud making to cover up those damn holes, right?
No proof. Just theory.
Not sure WHY the atmosphere is so intriguing to the DeptofDefense - but it's been happening for awhile, now. Operation Starfish Prime back in the late 50's/60's : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfish_Prime
What was the WORST CASE SCENARIO? Seems to be that all they are trying to discover is the complete and utter destruction of the planet and TOTAL death of it's inhabitants as quickly as possible -- what else was learned? Cure for cancer? lol. New non-fossil fuel energy? lol. End to ____? war? Think again: https://www.viewzone.com/emp.html "... An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon is far more dangerous and potentially more lethal than a nuclear bomb. We known that the Russians have EMP weapons because of their published (an sometimes not) research and experiments with the technology. And now, of course, we can include China. But really, any nuclear capable nation with an atmospheric delivery system can do this." Please continue reading this article. It is simply - CHILLING.
https://www.jason-stevens.com/2010/07...ohnston-atoll/ A series of failed tests on Johnston Atoll and the surrounding “danger zone” waters were played down by the Joint Task Force who at one time directed the detonations from an old World War II Bunker on the island. These failures or operational glitches caught ground and air crew by surprise and resulted in long term radioactive poisoning. “It was an episode that our Government would just as soon forget,” said Michael Thomas, a senior technician who flew with the famous “Blue Sharks” patrol squadron based out of the Atoll during the tests.
“But the long term consequences for those of us who participated would be difficult, costly, and painful. It wasn’t until 1995 that the Secretary of Defense William Perry acquitted us of our promise of silence on the subject; we could finally discuss it and seek necessary medical care resultant from the experience.”
This stoic silence on the part of these brave soldiers in service of their country reveals the absolute secrecy surrounding these tests which was played out on this forgotten atoll in the mid-pacific.
(there's a mention in the article of: Meanwhile, China and India are not sitting idle — they are actively pursuing nuclear programs since they are offer cheap long-term energy.
Aren't these two countries largely blamed for much of the present day carbon emissions? https://dailycaller.com/2012/12/04/ri...-climate-deal/ exactly what is the definition of "developing world" -- nuclear programs?
Is all this just a protective measure against ______________? A little information would be nice.
Ahhhh, stoic silence. whatever. For our own good, I suppose.
burning Inupiat eskimos? or an embellishment? https://uforeview.tripod.com/haarp.html"Here. Look at the ultraviolet and radiation the came through right after they did it. They blew away the shield and all the radiation just came right down and zapped Earth. And look. It lasted for a long time!"
Eden asked if anyone had been hurt by these tests. The answer chilled him to his bones.
"Shit, yes. Here in Alaska there were Eskimos that were all fried and like whole herds of antelopes. But the holes also moved west and did their real harm in Siberia. But it isn't just the people it killed. It made these people and animals sick from the radiation that came from the Sun - the stuff that's usually blocked by the atmosphere - and so there have been still births and cancers and mutations. They are trying to keep it all real hushed. It's insane. And the worst part is that they are going to use it again!" Climate change. In the making? Have the problems been due to the research all along? Or while they are listening to submarines over the horizon? Maybe they should just stop. Or is it too late? Then, bring on the cloud making to cover up those damn holes, right?
No proof. Just theory.
Not sure WHY the atmosphere is so intriguing to the DeptofDefense - but it's been happening for awhile, now. Operation Starfish Prime back in the late 50's/60's : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfish_Prime
What was the WORST CASE SCENARIO? Seems to be that all they are trying to discover is the complete and utter destruction of the planet and TOTAL death of it's inhabitants as quickly as possible -- what else was learned? Cure for cancer? lol. New non-fossil fuel energy? lol. End to ____? war? Think again: https://www.viewzone.com/emp.html "... An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon is far more dangerous and potentially more lethal than a nuclear bomb. We known that the Russians have EMP weapons because of their published (an sometimes not) research and experiments with the technology. And now, of course, we can include China. But really, any nuclear capable nation with an atmospheric delivery system can do this." Please continue reading this article. It is simply - CHILLING.
https://www.jason-stevens.com/2010/07...ohnston-atoll/ A series of failed tests on Johnston Atoll and the surrounding �danger zone� waters were played down by the Joint Task Force who at one time directed the detonations from an old World War II Bunker on the island. These failures or operational glitches caught ground and air crew by surprise and resulted in long term radioactive poisoning. �It was an episode that our Government would just as soon forget,� said Michael Thomas, a senior technician who flew with the famous �Blue Sharks� patrol squadron based out of the Atoll during the tests.
�But the long term consequences for those of us who participated would be difficult, costly, and painful. It wasn�t until 1995 that the Secretary of Defense William Perry acquitted us of our promise of silence on the subject; we could finally discuss it and seek necessary medical care resultant from the experience.�
This stoic silence on the part of these brave soldiers in service of their country reveals the absolute secrecy surrounding these tests which was played out on this forgotten atoll in the mid-pacific.
(there's a mention in the article of: Meanwhile, China and India are not sitting idle � they are actively pursuing nuclear programs since they are offer cheap long-term energy.
Aren't these two countries largely blamed for much of the present day carbon emissions? https://dailycaller.com/2012/12/04/ri...-climate-deal/ exactly what is the definition of "developing world" -- nuclear programs?
Is all this just a protective measure against ______________? A little information would be nice.
Ahhhh, stoic silence. whatever. For our own good, I suppose.
ahhhhh I love the way you read around all over the place h2b!!
And what you've scooped up is quite interesting to read. It's really not hard to put the pieces of the puzzle together if you're not listening to what all the 'buffer' people say publically.
What interests me the most is in the first section of your post in regard to the holes in our atmosphere moving.
The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease
....It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness, that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.
ahhhhh I love the way you read around all over the place h2b!!
And what you've scooped up is quite interesting to read. It's really not hard to put the pieces of the puzzle together if you're not listening to what all the 'buffer' people say publically.
What interests me the most is in the first section of your post in regard to the holes in our atmosphere moving.
Thank you Cookie!!
It's obvious something is going on. So maybe it would be a great time to let us in on some of the happenins? (which have been in place and functioning for quite some time.)
If it is more of a system that we have for protection, so be it. But all this secrecy? Not good.
It is just time to come clean. Fess up. If we are in a "weather war" I don't like knowing Russia sold some arms to Syria. . https://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/02...port-to-syria/ (saw this today on the news)"...Damascus says certain Western states, especially the United States, and their regional allies are fueling the unrest. " oh crap
Will be watching for bad weather for Russia...I just wonder if they can really steer the stuff once it's unleashed. If something is in the "works" for Russia and it gets lobbed back to US, what can we expect? New Madrid Fault earthquake? Frankentornado? Killer blizzards? Do we have some type of way we can smack it away again? Does all this cause holes all over? Would give a whole new meaning to sunblock, lemme tell ya!!
Then, who gets it?
Sure it is just pure rumor and speculation. So don�t bother looking up patents on weather control, or chemtrails, or China�s claim to control the weather during their Olympics, or the satellite view of the unusual cloud formations in hurricane Sandy just before it made a nice 90 degree turn and headed inland.
****. Very annoying for me, but you guys might find it interesting.
1. I went looking for my online file on chemtrails + weather modification..couldn't find it. It seems to have been deleted.
2. I spend the past 1.5 hours accumulating information to prove chemtrails are real (using "credible" information) and putting it in a post...and my computer shut down.
So this is the only post you get
Dang NSA hackers. Get a real job.
I'll try and relocate the declassified documents I had proving not only that chemtrails are real (easy to do), but that they're for sinister purposes (very hard to find solid proof using "credible" sources).
Luckily there's a bautiful thing called "search history", so I'll fetch up a few of the sites I tried to put in my original post.
US Air Force paper on weather warfare, intimating the Us military could
“own the weather” by 2025, using electromagnetic radiation, nanotechnology, etc. But seeing as this is an unclassified paper, you know they're lying through their teeth. They have the ability to do everything outlined in that report, and more, today. Had it for decades.
I'm telling the complete truth here - I tried to edit my above message 8 times and add this to it, but each time it told me I wasn't logged in, and to login, refresh the page and try again. Well, I logged in, refreshed the page and tried again 7 different times...no luck. Luckily I finally managed to post this, but not edit the above. Could be a glitch in the forum. Maybe not. I will say that I've had a lot of fishy incidents like this before, computer refusing to log me on, shutting down spontaenously, etc.
Unfortunately none of this is proof that toxic chemtrails are real; it's easy to prove weather modification is real, but much harder to provide evidence showing the real reasons for it (it's obvious to even a moderately intelligent person, but there don't seem to be that many around these days...but that's by design, too). I DID have the documents proving it, but for all I know they were taken down off the internet since then - I've had em for quite a while.
Sure it is just pure rumor and speculation. So don’t bother looking up patents on weather control, or chemtrails, or China’s claim to control the weather during their Olympics, or the satellite view of the unusual cloud formations in hurricane Sandy just before it made a nice 90 degree turn and headed inland.
OMG! Right? Like Malaysia DIDN'T order a cyclone to blow smog away!! There are some people on science forums that claim people like me are conspiracy "tards."
(But they talk about the possibility of HAARP using elf waves)
I'm telling the complete truth here - I tried to edit my above message 8 times and add this to it, but each time it told me I wasn't logged in, and to login, refresh the page and try again. Well, I logged in, refreshed the page and tried again 7 different times...no luck. Luckily I finally managed to post this, but not edit the above. Could be a glitch in the forum. Maybe not. I will say that I've had a lot of fishy incidents like this before, computer refusing to log me on, shutting down spontaenously, etc.
Time for a more private search engine and VPN. :trenchcoat/glasses:
__________________ I'd rather meander for the prevention than race for the cure.
Time for a more private search engine and VPN. :trenchcoat/glasses:
Thanks for the suggestion. It seems like they leave most people alone, but if you have a high enough profile they like to mess with you. It even happens on public computers too, so I know it's not just that mine has a virus or whatnot.