My pill story.
Way back in high school me and my appendix parted ways. Went into the hospital in the morning they did a few test and by noon my appendix was history. Later the evening I'm now fully awake and a nurse comes in and asks how am I feeling and do I need a
"pain pill".
Well I don't feel all that bad but yes I am a bit uncomfortable so what the heck sure I will have one. She then comes back with two tablets that could choke a horse. Naturally the first one I try goes down the "wrong pipe"!
So now the only thing to do is cough it back up. BUT that requires using the stomach muscles and of course at that moment they the last thing I want to use.
Coughing using just the chest muscles is not very efficient although I eventually got it out.
At that point I figured that I had
enough pain for the evening and did not need the second
pain pill.