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� #16 �
Old 11-26-2007, 10:50 AM
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Blue is on a distinguished road
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From what I researched last night, there are supposedly over 300 cases of argyria that have been reported and these numbers were from an article I read from 2001.

This is relatively new, since colloidal silver was replaced by antibiotics in the 40's. Some Doctors continued its use up to the mid 50's, until the product was removed by the FDA due to argyria.

Read about a Senate candidate that turned blue due to use of colloidal silver, at :

pictures can be viewed at:

Montana's Libertarian candidate for senate has turned blue from drinking a silver solution that he believed would protect him from disease. He started making his own in 1999 and by 2002 was the permanent color blue/gray. Article tells how he made his solution with heating silver wires in a cup.

He was going to try to reverse this, and it would be interesting to see what he used to try, and if he had any success. Anyone finds out more, post it here for us. Thanks.
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� #17 �
Old 11-26-2007, 11:30 AM
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I have read about this person before. He suffered from irrational fears (Y2K) and didn't read the CS instruction manual properly. I understand that he used tap water, not distilled water.
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� #18 �
Old 11-26-2007, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Xania View Post
I have read about this person before. He suffered from irrational fears (Y2K) and didn't read the CS instruction manual properly. I understand that he used tap water, not distilled water.
They live among us -

Well, he is a politician, afterall.
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� #19 �
Old 11-26-2007, 03:10 PM
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Default Colloidal Silver..

Interesting article using colloidal silver for MS.
I am a big believer in colloidal silver, and believe that the key to having a good quality solution is to use distilled water, pure silver, and also a small pump, like the kind in a fish tank. That is very important as it does two things. It pumps carbon dioxide into the solution, and continually mixes it.

Its also very interesting that Edward Cayce used gold for MS, many years ago:
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� #20 �
Old 12-06-2008, 10:53 PM
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I was looking over the silverworks site, and found this:

"Blue Man" Makes the News

at the bottom, they have a note:

Our ionic silver can't turn your skin blue, ever!
  • Silver ions are different than silver compounds, and even in large amounts can not cause argyria as ions are too small to get trapped in the skin.
  • Silver ions are so small; they can only be seen with an electron microscope and are invisible in water. A glass of ionic silver is crystal clear. He drank a full glass of �cloudy� water per day!
  • Silver ions do not oxidize (turn blue) when exposed to sunlight like other forms of silver. Silver ions can never turn your skin blue; no matter how much you drink.
  • Our water is only 10ppm - not the 300ppm Mr. Karason was drinking!
but... no date as to when Paul Karason started this "ion food spa" treatment. So, I wrote the site and asked about this, and they wrote back that night.

They said they had contacted Paul about six months ago to offer him my foot spa and to give him our silver water for free. Paul began using the foot spa then but because he didn't really believe it would work, he seldom used it. Then his girl friend noticed some freckles on his face for the first time! He started using it more often, but not everyday like he should. Plus, Paul went back to Oregon for some treatment for his heart and didn't take the spa with him, but he plans to start using it again when he returns to California.

Anyway, the owner of Ionic Silver works is hoping that Paul will start consistently using the ionic foot spa and that he can get some pictures. If they do, they plan to post them on the website with an update.

Should be interesting if they do.
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