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� #76
Old 06-06-2008, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Boss View Post
If you're getting things like Gas, Heartburn, (Acid Reflux), etc etc, you may have some kind of Hyperaciditiy, so want to try and do things that may assist with that, like increase Water, Increase Veggies for a few days and see how that works.
I do drink a lot of water, about 4 -5 16oz. glasses/day and did increase my veggies intake, let's hope it'll help.

With the bloating, might be wise to increase your Gut Bacteria, if you're not Lactose intolerant, (can't remember if you said you were or not), and maybe cut your Milk a bit to reduce Casein intake, incase the bloat is Casein related.
As far as I can tell, I'm not lactose intolerant (except to one of the probiotics strain) and do have the occasional plain yogurt. Cutting on the milk won't be a problem, I seldom drink it.


Last edited by Gene53; 06-06-2008 at 08:53 PM.
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� #77
Old 06-06-2008, 06:43 PM
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I'm about to have a "bland" dinner (boiled chicken, half a potato and a few carrots). If the heartburn would kick in, what would you suggest I take? Don't want to go back to Nexium, sodium bicarb doesn't do it for me and the only thing I can think of is Pepto Bismol.


Last edited by Gene53; 06-06-2008 at 08:52 PM.
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� #78
Old 06-06-2008, 09:19 PM
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Please disregard my HCL advice. I didn't take into account your ulcer when I mentioned it.

There is a natural supplement that is known to improve GERD symptoms and to help with ulcers. It's a substance called DGL. If you've never heard of it, please check out this link to learn more about it:

You're officially invited to visit my natural health blog: www.healthyfellow.com
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� #79
Old 06-06-2008, 09:23 PM
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Originally Posted by just me View Post
I'm wondering if what you saw was msm, instead of the mms.. I got that confused alot for awhile!!!
That's probably what I saw, LOL!

When I was doing the mms, I had alot of trouble doing it during the day, so I started out at night, right before bedtime, so any side effects I basically slept through.
Thanks for the tip, I don't really feel ready for the MMS yet being that I'm the "side effects" and adverse reactions poster boy. I'll start off slow and work my way up to more potent remedies, every time I tried some kind of detox, I almost ended-up dehydrated by some violent diarrhea and as I said, I've started having GI and bowel problems as a child (probably 5 or 6 at the time).

Also, I have read (dont remember where) that if you take your b vitamins at night, that your body has a better chance of absorbing them... wonder how true that is..
Kinda sounds logical, the digestive system usually slows down when sleeping...

If the garlic is too harsh on your stomach, try cutting a clove of garlic in half, and place it on the bottom of your bare foot for awhile... I wonder if maybe you could sleep that way.... granted you wont get all the benefits of the garlic, but surely you will get some. I had read once about doing this, and so let my daughter be a guinia pig.. we cut a clove in half and had her stand on it... within a matter of seconds, she could taste the garlic in her mouth, and felt a tingling in her knee where she had alot of inflammation....
Way too harsh for me, too much garlic, cayenne pepper, ACV, etc. recipes I found on Earth Clinic to get rid of a flu and sore throat is what got me in trouble in the first place, rekindled the ulcer and GERD. Mind you, I'm willing to maybe give this transdermal technique a try.

Epsom salts baths will also help with detoxing
Would this be considered as "mild" detoxing? If so, I'll give that a try also. BTW, how much Epsom salts in a tub full of water?

Have you read the info about the EFT??? Look in the links section... I know anxiety is really hard to deal with, but it seemed the eft did help me.
It's something worth looking into. Were you on Meds?

I told you that I had bought the doug kaufman book, and it has the full diet in it... but if you go to the website that Sally posted, in the FAQ section, it does give you phase one of the diet... it might be worth your while to start there.
Yup, downloaded and printed, thanks.


Last edited by Gene53; 06-06-2008 at 10:18 PM.
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� #80
Old 06-06-2008, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Harry Hirsute View Post

Please disregard my HCL advice. I didn't take into account your ulcer when I mentioned it.
Thanks, It kinda crossed my mind when I looked it up.

There is a natural supplement that is known to improve GERD symptoms and to help with ulcers. It's a substance called DGL. If you've never heard of it, please check out this link to learn more about it:

Thanks Harry, that I will sure try, especially since I read "The result is a very successful anti-ulcer agent without any known side effects". Then again, with my luck, I'll probably be the first person in the universe to have one. LOL!

Thanks again Harry and BTW, you sure have a heck of a great and informative blog, I sent the link to quite a few friends.


Footnote: Had a light dinner and no heartburn, bloating or any type of discomfort... Look Ma no Nexium! LOL! Hope this keeps up though.

Last edited by Gene53; 06-06-2008 at 09:38 PM. Reason: Add footnote
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� #81
Old 06-07-2008, 10:38 AM
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Thanks for the kind words, Gene.

I'm happy to hear of your heartburn-free dinner. Let's keep it that way!
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� #82
Old 06-07-2008, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Harry Hirsute View Post
Thanks for the kind words, Gene.
My pleasure, Harry, keep up with the great work.

I'm happy to hear of your heartburn-free dinner. Let's keep it that way!
Thanks, it really felt good for a change. Today is my 2nd day without the Nexium and I did wake up with a heartburn but didn't give in to the Nexium. I had a chicken sandwich and it seemed to alleviate the burning sensation (guess that the acid had something to work on).

I think I may have had some small breakthrough, about 1/2 hour after eating, I felt the need to go for a bowel movement and felt like I "popped a cork", the Nexium constipates me and for the past few days, my bowels felt quite bloated and I had a lot of gas even though the BM's were regular but minimal. Another 15 minutes later, I had to go back but this time, it was mild diarrhea and since then, the intestinal bloating has reduced quite significantly, as if the constipation had kept the toxins inside and finally had a chance to get eliminated, I assume that this was some kind of cleansing effect (hopefully).

Cheers and thanks for putting up with me,
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� #83
Old 06-07-2008, 02:59 PM
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Apple cider vinegar did not work for me. It was mms that got rid of all reflux.

I suspect that the probiotics made an uproar due to the mess that is inside there.
Have you just tried yogurt? You can buy a culture and make your own if you cant get it a good one in canada. I have found Activa to be pretty good but they do put sugar in it.

I think that if you stuck with the probiotics for a few days things would settle down. Can you list for us the bacteria found in the product?
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� #84
Old 06-07-2008, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Arrowwind09 View Post
Apple cider vinegar did not work for me. It was mms that got rid of all reflux.

As I said, ACV was one of the triggers for me to start on the Nexium again. As far as MMS goes, I'd rather wait till my system can take it, just the vitamins by themselves have triggered a cleansing effect.

I suspect that the probiotics made an uproar due to the mess that is inside there.
I suspect that one of the strains could be the culprit, I can eat yogurt without problems.

I think that if you stuck with the probiotics for a few days things would settle down. Can you list for us the bacteria found in the product?
No way, didn't want to stretch the misery, LOL! As far as the bacteria goes, I'll get back to you a bit later on this, darn writing on the label is too darn small for me to read and when my GF gets back from her sister's, I'll ask her to write them down.

It seems that my system is hyper sensitive and I do have to do things very slowly, if not, it only backfires on me, especially if I throw too big of an arsenal at it.

To settle the gut, it was suggested I try DGL for a while.

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� #85
Old 06-07-2008, 05:27 PM
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If yogurt works for you, try adding your probiotic into the yogurt, or try getting the activia yogurt brand.... Kefir was suggested, and like I said, I do have some kefir grains if you are interested in them.

Im wondering if maybe the elimination diet would shed some light on things... Maybe try the blood type diet... Im wondering if you are eating foods that you are allergic to. I have a friend who is an herbalist, and she recently did allergy testing on me, using the biomeridian machine.. Im amazed at how many foods I showed a sensitivity to. Might be worth a try

I have noticed in my daughter, that if she gets constipated, all things go wrong, she gets real tired, sleeps alot more, sometimes it even seems that she gets more seizures, but not sure on that one.... I think I would definitly try to keep my bowels moving at least three or four times a day if I was in your shoes.... Have you tried using any fermented foods, like sourkraut or kimchi?
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� #86
Old 06-08-2008, 12:21 PM
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Sorry Gene, but fungus loves cabohydrates, any kind, especially grains, white or whole wheat! I knew for years that when I ate any carbohydrates I would get heartburn. But I didn't figure out the fungus/grains/carbs link until I started watching Doug Kaufman's show Know the Cause. Carbs break down into sugar. Carbs are basically sugar. Toast and potatoes are not good if you want to stop having heartburn. Try not eating any carbs except for vegies, (although potatoes and corn are not on the list of foods you can eat) for a week or so and see what happens. You will most likely be amazed. I know I was. If you wake up during the night with hearburn, dissolve a teaspoon or more of baking soda in water and drink it down. It works almost instantly to stop your hearburn. Dr. Simoncini says that baking soda is a "cure" for ulcers, too! I know you don't want to believe that in order to heal your ulcer and "cure" your hearburn you will have to stop eating the foods you love. It took me a long time to "give in!" Once your heatburn goes away you will realize it was worth it!
The reason the probiotics are wreaking havoc with your digestive system is because as Arrowwind says, you are having a reaction due to fungus in your digestive tract. I know you don't want to hear this, but you must get rid of the fungus or you will never get rid of your health issues. I know I am not a doctor, but I have suffered with the same problems your are having, so I can say from my own experience what worked for me. Also, the idea that a bland diet is good for ulcers was discarded years ago. As a matter of fact, a bland diet makes ulcers worse.
Apple cider vinegar is actually good for your stomach, but only "organic" apple cider vinegar such as Braggs. Distilled processed vinegar even nonorganic ACV is very acidic, which produces an environment that is perfect for fungus! Organic apple cider vinegar is actually more alkaline and as someone said is the same ph as the stomach juices. The reason organic ACV works is because it creates an evironment that fungus cannot suvive in. Only organic ACV contains malic acid which is an antifungal! Baking soda is considered an antifungal, too. There are many different antifungals, you don't really need to use ACV.
I highly recommend you go to www.knowthecause.com and start his Phase I antifungal diet. I did it for three months. If I can do it, anyone can! There is also a Phase II and III, but you will have to purchase one of his books for those. Most of the time, Doug recommends staying on the Phase I diet for only two weeks, unless you have serious fungal issues, which it sounds like you might. I stayed on it for three months because it also works for weight loss. Fungus makes you fat, too! If you are still not convinced I recommend you buy Doug's book What Makes Bread Rise? He also has a cook book that has all phases of the diet in it. BTW, what does make bread rise? YEAST (fungus)! Doug's diet also recommends taking probiotics and antifungals several times a day, too. If you are interested in starting an antifungal diet, I can give you the Phase I foods that are allowed on the diet. Or you can learn more about MMS and go on the protocol. It also kills fungus!
I know you keep saying you must take it slowly, which I agree. But you must do something to address the fungus first and foremost or IMO you will not get well!!! I also suffered with anxiety most of my life. Taking supplements, eating mostly healthy organic food, drinking plenty of water, adopting an all round healthier lifestyle got rid of my anxiety for good. Vitamin D and sunshine helped alot too! Doing an occasional detox is important, too. MMS can be used as a detox as well as an antifungal, not to mention it kills most pathogens in the body!!! Good luck with whatever path you choose!

Sally B.

Last edited by Sally B.; 06-08-2008 at 12:28 PM.
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� #87
Old 06-08-2008, 12:54 PM
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Just me mentioned food allergies/sensitivities could be causing some problems. Doug Kaufmann was suffering with many different food senstivities. What he didn't understand was why when he stopped eating the foods he was sensitive to did he keep getting new food allergies/sensitivities? In an effort to find the answer Doug developed the Elisa antibody food allergry test. Doug finally found the answer when he realized that after he eradicated the fungus from his body, he never had another food allergy and the ones he had went away never to return! Doug says fungus hangs out in the lining of the gut and eats holes causing leaking gut. Undigested foods enter from the holes in the stomach lining into the blood stream only partially digested causing food sensitivities and autoimmune disorders. The body doesn't really know how to react to the partially digested food in the blood, so it thinks of it as an invader and attacks it, thus causing all sorts of health problems! The "cure" to autoimmune" diseases which are not diseases at all, and food allergies and sensitivities is getting rid of the fungus!

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� #88
Old 06-16-2008, 03:53 PM
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Don't forget enzymes. Our bodies slow production of enzymes by our 30's theses days with the typical SAD (standard American Diet). Using supplemental enzymes will help with digestion, inflammation, acid reflux, etc, and help you absorb more nutrients which in turn raises your immune system). When food is left undigested in the body and then enters the bloodstream, that is a cause for toxicity.
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