� #1
Old 01-22-2007, 02:43 PM
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Default Just diagnosed with prostate cancer

Dear All,

Having felt lousy for serveral months, I have just learned that I have prostate cancer. It is particularly aggressive and has metasticized to the pelvic bones.

The medical people can only "manage" this disease with hormone therapy, which I will do. The official prognosis is not good. I will, however, push for being treated with vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) as an IV drip. I will probably have to be persuasive in order to convince them that this is an appropriate choice of treatment.

Along with some supplements I have always taken like turmeric, CoQ10, fish oil, etc., I will add to the arsenal artemisinin, pomegranate extract, broccoli extract, maitake mushroom extract, aged garlic, and EGCG (I should have listened to Iggy, I suppose, about the green tea.)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

� #2
Old 01-22-2007, 05:00 PM
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Hi Mike, The only suggestion I would possibly have is to go here and check out this site.... Its by one of our own, and if I had cancer, I would start with his book

God is and all is well
~John Greenleaf Whittier~
� #3
Old 01-22-2007, 05:33 PM
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Mike, Cancer is something that I have not had to deal with yet and hope that I never have to, but I do make copies of things that might be helpful and keep in a file in case I ever need it.

Just yesterday on the Traditional Nutrition Forum there was a post giving a link to a post from someone who had seemingly beat prostrate cancer using a variety of methods.


Here�s the link to the thread on the Traditional Nutrition Forum:


Hope this is of some help.

� #4
Old 01-23-2007, 02:21 AM
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Default prostate cancer

I have nothing else to add, Mike, except Prayers and
wishes of Good Luck.
May you always have..Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
� #5
Old 01-23-2007, 05:02 PM
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Default Re: Just diagnosed with prostate cancer

My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2000. He followed my advice and did not opt for chemo or surgery, though he was made to use Lupron even if there was no bone metastasis. He stopped when I showed him that he was starting to suffer the ill effects (enlarging aneurysm, etc.). His PSA has been normal since 2002.

My recommendations to him centered around supplements that contained saw palmetto, zinc, pygeum extract and pumpkin seeds. I also recommended regular intake of selenium and vitamin E, as well as vitamin B-17 rich foods. I also told him to get exposed to a lot of sunlight.

Click here for the thread on the "Links" board about selenium.

My present ideas on approaching cancer:

1. Increase immune response: In your plan, you have mushrooms to accomplish this. You may want to add regular intake of yogurt (for the lactobacilli cell walls) and brewer's yeast (for cell walls, protein and B-vitamins). Immunostimulation from glyconutrients from mushrooms, lactobacilli and yeast cell walls, as well as mannose from aloe vera inner gel and some vegetables, will, among other things, stimulate natural killer (NK) cells which search and destroy cancer cells. Protein would definitely enhance immune response so make sure you're getting lots of it. (Tumor necrosis factor, peroxynitrite, lactoferrin and other cancer killers of the body are protein.)

2. Kill the cancer cells: In your plan, you have artemisinin. You may want to consider adding acetogenins from either graviola or paw paw. And definitely, you should not forget vitamin B-17. Click here for a list of vitamin B-17 food sources. Click here for the principles behind cancer and the B-17 approach.

3. Prevent further damage (cause of cancer according to the trophoblastic thesis of cancer.): in your plan you have those nutrients which include antioxidants. But a lot of damage is also from blood sugar level spikes, which lead to free radical formation and thus, greater need for antioxidants. So control blood sugar levels with diet and exercise. Balancing of the body's energy flow should help as well, and for this, I think EFT is the simplest form of self-applied "acupuncture." Click here for the EFT thread in the "Links" board.

May write more later.


Originally Posted by Mike
Dear All,

Having felt lousy for serveral months, I have just learned that I have prostate cancer. It is particularly aggressive and has metasticized to the pelvic bones.

The medical people can only "manage" this disease with hormone therapy, which I will do. The official prognosis is not good. I will, however, push for being treated with vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) as an IV drip. I will probably have to be persuasive in order to convince them that this is an appropriate choice of treatment.

Along with some supplements I have always taken like turmeric, CoQ10, fish oil, etc., I will add to the arsenal artemisinin, pomegranate extract, broccoli extract, maitake mushroom extract, aged garlic, and EGCG (I should have listened to Iggy, I suppose, about the green tea.)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

� #6
Old 01-24-2007, 02:11 AM
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You may need curcumin along with, or instead of, turmeric as it is the most active ingredient of the spice. Also curcumin is enhanced many times over with the addition of either piperine, also known as the brand name Bioperine, or I recently found out that bromelain from pineapple also enhances curcumin.

Broccoli extract is great, but I just read an article that mentioned that broccoli sprouts have something like 50 times the nutrient content of the mature plant. It might not hurt to eat a few live sprouts along with the supplement. They are good on a salad. I'll look up the numbers and try to find the whole article for you.

� #7
Old 01-24-2007, 12:03 PM
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Michael, we'll will be praying for you.

Check out HMR lignans.



Mike, you've already mentioned broccoli. I suppose you saw the article on
broccoli powder + tomato powder?

Also check out heavy dosing of Vit D3, with occasional massive dosing "Stoss Therapy".
Life Span Nutrition https://www.vitamindcouncil.com/cancerProstate.shtml

Modified Citrus Pectin
BAC Ask if you qualify for wholesale, since you are a health professional.

Vitamin E SUCCINATE Available at iHerb
� #8
Old 01-24-2007, 12:32 PM
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Default IP-6


I will not express my sadness because I'm confident that this is simply another challenge that you will overcome.

I also won't bombard you with information to research. I just want to mention a few options that appear to be promising.

1. Tomato concentrate (organic tomato paste) and/or Lycomato lycopene supplements. This would go great with your broccoli extract - as you've probably noticed in the news recently (and in Iggy's post).

2. IP-6 (perhaps with the addition of a small amount of inositol and green tea extract).



Bill Sardi is also a good resource for more info. on IP6. https://www.knowledgeofhealth.com

One last link:


I wish you the best. I generally don't visit this forum but I'll keep an eye out to see how things are going. Please let us know if we can be supportive in any way.

You're officially invited to come visit my new blog: www.healthyfellow.com
� #9
Old 01-24-2007, 01:42 PM
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Default Thanks

Thanks to you all for your support and suggestions. I continue to research and learn and I especially learn as I check out each of your suggestions. Yesterday, I placed an order for high-potency vitamn D, modified citrus pectin, IP-6, and turkey tail mushroom (PSK). I believe in the shotgun approach.

I am getting ready now for trip to the health food store for some aloe vera juice, hoping also to find some vitamin B17 and Paw Paw. I had discounted using graviola because I wasn't that impressed with the research. Thanks to Gerry, I looked into the matter more and found that Paw Paw will probably work better. And the mannose--thanks--I wasn't aware of its potential.

But as I attempt to use all these things, it appears that some may actually counter the effects of another. For example, since Paw Paw works by lowering ATP production of the cancer cells and therefore starve them to death, CoQ10 raises ATP levels and probably should not be taken while on Paw Paw even though CoQ10 seems to be effective in fighting cancer cells.

And with artemisinin, it works by mixing with the high iron content in cancer cells and releases a huge amount of oxidants which kill the cells. But if I take IP-6, won't I potentially bind the iron so that the artemisinin doesn't have enough fuel to work with? It is getting quite complicated as I try to sort through it all.

I will take my broccoli extract in the morning along with my morning tomato juice and for lunch have some flax oil on cottage cheese topped with lots of hot pepper sauce (quite tasty).

I had my first testosterone-reducing shot yesterday. There will be some side-effects like weight gain, loss of libido, and hot flashes, but I don't think I am going to grow any boobs. Small favors. And I feel that the depression which sometimes results will be greatly lessened by the thoughts and good wishes of you folks.

� #10
Old 01-25-2007, 07:07 AM
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So so sad to hear about your predicament. I found this article on Dr. Mercola's website today. Thought you might find it useful:


Imagine your body blowing up the cancer cells and they are all destroyed, or any way you choose to think about it. I have a book called Living in the Light, by Shakti Gawain. She also wrote a book called Creative Visualization which teaches you how to make things happen through visualization. You might find these useful in your quest for a cure.


Think Positive!
Sally B.
� #11
Old 01-25-2007, 07:19 AM
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Thought you might find these books useful by Larry Clapp. He cured his own prostate cancer:


Sally B.
� #12
Old 01-25-2007, 07:38 AM
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You may have already read this, but just in case you haven't:


Sally B.
� #13
Old 01-25-2007, 07:49 AM
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Default OXALIC ACID, God's Natural Chemotherapy, by Col Joe.

OXALIC ACID, God's Natural Chemotherapy, by Col Joe.

I haven't had any experience with this diet. I bought the book and have skimmed over it. If I had cancer, I think that I would adhere to the diet. The diet involves eating ordinary foods rich in oxalic acid and avoiding or minimizing foods that tend to block or neutralize oxalic acid. The author also warns against the bad effects of electro-magnetic radiation.

Concentrated oxalic acid is a potent toxin. At the bottom of this page,
I've posted a link that is critical of this diet. The link also refers to
certain herbs that are extremely high in oxalic acid, namely
"Sheep Sorrel and Turkey Rhubarb". I think that it may be dangerous
to go overboard by taking these herbs on a regular basis.

Originally Posted by Col Joe

This is called a Diet Procedure because you are not provided a menu suggesting what to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The Diet Procedure has 2 parts; the 1st part covers information concerning Oxalic Acid, a strong poison and a normal element in human blood; the 2nd part covers items I, call blockers because in different ways each block the acid from being available for the immune system to fight the diseases of cancer, viral, bacterial and vascular conditions. Oxalic Acid a normal element in the blood has been reported to have a mean value of 288mcg of anhydrous oxalic acid/ 100ml of blood. �Oxalic Acid in Biology and Medicine� A. Hodgkinson 1977. When oxalic acid falls below an effective level the immune system can no longer protect the body from various diseases. When the immune system can no longer eliminate abnormal cells, tissue begins to form and gives rise to a detectable tumor. If you have cancer and have had or are currently receiving radiation and become infected with a virus, you are in serious trouble. But lets get you started on a diet to elevate the acid level in the blood.

We will start with the blockers first, since if you have been paying attention to all the hype in the news media, on TV and tons of mail advertisement you are probably eating and drinking many of the items that are high in oxalic acid.

The first blocker is CITRIC ACID: it is an acid we do not need to take orally; it is required only if there is a excess or an undesirable acid in our system, and if it is needed the body will produce it. One of the acids it will flush from our system if it is in excess is oxalic acid; so if it is taken orally it will reduce the level of oxalic acid in the blood whether its in excess or not. To make a point, Adelle Davis a well known nutritionists in her book �Let�s Get Well� published 1965 in her writings about kidney stones said, �Persons unfamiliar with these acids and perhaps confused by them might think of oxalic acid as the villain and citric acid as the rescuing hero�. I believe she died from cancer. Considering my research which began January 1986, I believe citric acid is the number 1cause of cancer today. Many people think only of citrus fruits when citric acid is mentioned, however, the greatest source is from ingredients added to foods and beverages. Citric acid is a great preservative, a great taste enhancer and keeps colors bright. And we have the FDA worried about regulating nicotine?

The second blocker is CALCIUM primarily the calcium in cow milk; and that means all products made from milk must be avoided; except butter which contains little calcium. Dietary oxalate is appreciably increased when calcium intake is reduced. And I argue that except for taste, cow milk was not meant for humans. When a calf is weaned it seldom returns to the cow. Where do you think the calf gets its calcium? Calcium, other then that which is obtained from the normal diet should be avoided. And persons fighting a disease and are on the diet should avoid tap water unless the water system is on a softener or filter that removes the calcium. It is recommended that distilled water be used. A person unfortunate in having osteoporosis and cancer taking a prescribed calcium supplement should take the supplement in the morning with breakfast and avoid any oxalic acid intake for at least 4 hours to avoid conflict between calcium and oxalic acid.

The third blocker is a environmental item in to-days lifestyle that has to be considered in any diet and I believe it is the primary cause of breast and lung cancer in women, smokers or not. It is ELECTRIC MAGNETIC FIELDS (EMFs). If you read the question and answers concerning smoking and cancer you may remember that the Groups of mice that received only radiation had more lung cancers then any other Groups??. If you did not, read them before continuing. Women must absolutely avoid use of the microwave and in most cases be 20+ feet from most large units. Men should follow the same rule if they are fighting cancer. To cite an analogy, microwave ovens are usually placed on a counter top, under a cabinet or in a stack on top of an oven; for most women this is breast high and women happen to be the prime user, especially working women. Rush home pop a can of veggies in the oven, set the timer for 2 min. stand right there and wait for the bell. Besides decomposing the oxalic acid in the veggies, oxalic acid in the blood vessels is also being decomposed. Now, the reader also knows the answer to the question about cell phones. The majority of cell phones can be a cause of brain tumors as the magnetic field from the antennae is very strong. Electric blankets unless they are shielded do decompose acid in the blood contributing to cancers. And do not use a juicer to make carrot juice or any other juice; at the point of juicing the magnetic field is almost as strong as the microwave. Also electric razors at the point they touch the skin are also very strong. What is strong? Any magnetic force greater then that which will influence a magnetic compass will begin to decompose oxalic acid. The Department of Energy suggests when there is any force greater then 2.0 milliGauss you should take precautionary measures.

The fourth blocker is alcohol. It washes oxalic acid from the blood and is excreted with urine. The same process is used in laboratory testing. Toxic elements are removed from test materials by being washed with ethanol, an organic alcohol. If you must have alcohol or wish to celebrate a special occasion, drink cheap red wine. Oxalic acid is fairly high in the concord grapes and probably binds with the alcohol in the wine. The cheaper the wine is; the better.

The fifth blocker is pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Oxalic acid will be flushed from the kidneys when Pyridoxine is increased in the diet. Today few people pay attention to the RDA for any of the nutrients and for pyridoxine the RDA amount varies from 2 to 4mg depending on what reference you are reading. Like everything else B6 is added to most foods. Some cereals looking out for your health may provide as much as 2500% of your needs. As with all nutrients you should take your vitamins from a natural source. To avoid B6 when you are on the diet your must avoid red meat especially pork and very surprising to me and everyone else you must avoid the white meat of the fowl, chicken and turkey, the white meat is very high in pyridoxine. Many diet advise that you avoid meat because of the fat content and advise you to eat the skinless breast of chicken. The white meat of the chicken is higher in pyridoxine than lean beef. You ca n eat lamb and the dark meat of the fowl as well as any seafood. Canned tuna is especially good; it is high in protein.

I urge those with cancer or any of the different forms of arthritis disease to immediately avoid the blockers listed above. As soon as possible charts will be included in this section showing the different cuts of meat and of fowl listing the pyridoxine level of each. Also there will be charts to show the oxalic acid level of many items of foods and beverages. Until then try concentrating on eating vegetables selected from the following list: Snap beans, Brussels sprouts, beets, carrots, cassava, chives, collards, garlic lettuce, parsley, purslane, radish, spinach, sweet potato, turnips and watercress. Nuts are also a good source for the acid especially walnuts. Walnuts also contain 2 fatty acids, (oleic & linoleic) which will increase the intestinal absorption of the acid. Where possible olive oil should be used in your cooking, it too is high in the fatty acids. And for you chocolate lovers eat, as much as you want

For readers who are lucky and do not have any of the diseases, you can avoid colds and the flu by following the same diet. The sooner the better, the season will begin any time now. The diet is very good for the children also.

In every section I am going to include this advise for cancer patients. If you are now receiving or have recently received radiation, treat yourself as contagious. Do not use a telephone anyone else uses, avoid contact with anyone, especially children; wear a facemask when other persons are in the same room, especially visitors. Strangers include hospice members. They visit others with diseases.

If you wonder why this advise; read the �questions and answers� about smoking and mice. It is my opinion that radiation weakened the immune system of the mice by decomposing oxalic acid in the blood. It will do the same to a human.

As soon as possible the charts will be published. Immediately following the charts, observations from conversations and testimonials received from those who followed the diet will be published under Major Diseases.

You should consult with your doctor concerning the Diet Procedure or the recommendations. Since this is all concerned with natural foods there have been no reports of adverse reactions to current chemotherapies, however your doctor may have more current information.
Col Joe's website

To buy the book

Critical article.
� #14
Old 01-25-2007, 08:30 AM
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You probably are aware of this, but just in case you aren't, cancer cannot live in an alkaline ph environment. So, please, check your ph with some ph paper and make sure it is alkaline!

Sally B.
� #15
Old 01-26-2007, 12:09 AM
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Default Re: Thanks

Originally Posted by Mike
I believe in the shotgun approach.
Nothing wrong with that. Cancer has "shotgun" causes: a combination of damage, deficient immune response, and lack of dietary cancer killers.

I am getting ready now for trip to the health food store for some aloe vera juice, hoping also to find some vitamin B17 and Paw Paw.
Don't forget selenium and its synergist, vitamin E.

You may not see B17 being sold as B17, but some get around by selling apricot pits, bitter almonds, or some other seed preparation. But you could easily make B17 a regular part of your diet. There are lots of dietary sources to choose from.

And the mannose--thanks--I wasn't aware of its potential.
The mechanism for mannose is the same as what you get from the glyconutrients in mushrooms, or lactobacilli cell walls, or brewer's yeast cell walls, or goji juice. You can have variety, even in your "treatment." No need to think of taking only one regimen. (Mechanism, in short: the sugars bind to receptor sites in macrophages and stimulate these to produce cytokines that get the immune system up and going.)

But as I attempt to use all these things, it appears that some may actually counter the effects of another. For example, since Paw Paw works by lowering ATP production of the cancer cells and therefore starve them to death, CoQ10 raises ATP levels and probably should not be taken while on Paw Paw even though CoQ10 seems to be effective in fighting cancer cells.
Because of the mechanism of acetogenins, some have even reported feeling weak. So it may be best to take pawpaw just before bedtime, without the CoQ10 (as well as niacin which the acetogenins actually block in their forms as NADH/NADPH), and just take the "contraindicated" nutrients upon waking up. The acetogenins can act on the cancer during the night, and the other nutrients can have their action during the day.

And with artemisinin, it works by mixing with the high iron content in cancer cells and releases a huge amount of oxidants which kill the cells. But if I take IP-6, won't I potentially bind the iron so that the artemisinin doesn't have enough fuel to work with? It is getting quite complicated as I try to sort through it all.
I''m not familiar with the mechanism of IP-6, but you can get around this problem by taking the supplements at different times, hitting the cancer with one mechanism at one time, and with another mechanism at another time. You may even take the substances in different days, not just different times of the day.

I had my first testosterone-reducing shot yesterday. There will be some side-effects like weight gain, loss of libido, and hot flashes, but I don't think I am going to grow any boobs.
Don't bet on it. My father was made to take Lupron and megestrol, and he started developing boobs! Which was advantageous for me because it made it easier for me to convince him to stop the nonsense. BUT! my father did not have any bone metastasis. So your status is different, and the drugs may be indicated. Just watch out for the unwanted effects. Vitamin E can counter some estrogenic effects.

Don't neglect regular or constant deep breathing (for tissue oxygenation and waste removal), water intake, and sunlight exposure.

Cancer is easily beaten, if your body is not beaten down by radiation and chemo.

To OUR success! :wink:

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