Hi guys,
Started taking MMS about three weeks ago and straight away noticed the drug like effects a few people ghave mentioned. I have no MAJOR health complaints but do feel like I have a parasitic load in my body as I suffer from dandruff, halitosis and herpes simplex I.
I made some dramatic lifestyle changes in the past few years and as a result my coldsores have dissappeared (unless my lips get badly sunburnt but if i use sunblock it's fine).
Anyway, the feelings I got from MMS were anxiousness, depression, confusion, racing heart, loss of appetite and slight diarrhea

. The symptoms really hit when I started taking up to ten drops 2 or 3 times a day. I stopped taking it to see if my mood improved and sure enough it did. When I started taking it again I got the worst coldsore I have had in about 3 years and the feelings returned.
I have come to the conclusion that I have to stop taking it as it depresses me greatly, is effecting my work and I don't feel 100% safe driving anymore.
I know people will say it's a die-off reaction, but I'm not convinced. It seems like the brain chemistry is effected in some way, and I'm wondering is it related to herpes which resides in the brain I believe.
I'd like to here from anyone else who has had a similar reaction.
All the best