Arsenic is one poison to which our bodies can easily adjust. Given in a small dose, it stimulates our liver to make the antidote -- alpha lipoic acid (made from sulfur containing substances like cysteine and methionine). And this substance is an important part of our energy production systems. With gradually increasing doses of arsenic, or constant exposure, our bodies can eventually tolerate doses a lot higher than what can instantly kill someone who has never been exposed to it.
So personally, I would not worry about this arsenic in our food. I may even consider it good for us. If arsenic is not enough to kill, then it's somehow beneficial. Our livers will be stimulated and our metabolism will improve.
There was a metabolic stimulant given to animals that does contain arsenic. And it's been around when I was a student in the '70s. And it works! (I wonder why it doesn't come up in a Google search? Maybe it's no longer in the market?)
Arsenic trioxide (a pollutant) is also finding its uses against cancer (brand name: Trisenox -- we now have a pollutant being sold as a drug ). In fact, if there's a chemo I would accept for cancer, it would be this. I know there can be no toxicity if the body is given time to adjust to it, or if alpha lipoic acid is given simultaneously. Unfortunately, as with any drug that isn't harmful, it's having difficulty gaining popularity.
In a recent hair analysis, my husband and I both had elevated asrenic levels, cause unknown. The reference range was less than .08--my level was .111--I wonder if we have reason to be concerned.
The article about the arsenic levels in chickens interested me because we use Golden Plump Chicken when we can't get farm raised chickens, which is more frequently than I would like.
We have been using a bottled, R-O water and I was wondering if that could be a source. Any other ideas? And, yes, we have been taking ALA for the past several years.
Mari, can you all buy Tyson brand of raw chicken The
article said that Tyson quit using the arsenic feed a few
years back.
I sent Carol Williams an email yesterday asking her if she
had a list of other brands NOT using the feed w/arsenic in it.
But my computer was acting up and it may not have
gone thru.
I'll try to resend it today.
Anyone else interested can email her at CWilliams@wcpo,com
also. There were local folks interviewed who aren't happy
about it, so she may have received other inquiries too.
Reported and Web Produced by: Carol Williams
Updated: 07/25/06 09:51:29
Arsenic Study
A recent study shows chicken we buy at the grocery store may contain traces
of arsenic. Poultry companies say there's a reason they use the chemical.
They claim it's safe, but a lot of people are concerned. Jaime
Seymour-newtown says her kids are big chicken eaters.
"We eat chicken probably three to four times a week, minimum." But, Jaime
had no idea that the chicken she serves up may contain traces of arsenic.
When she found it out....."I was really disturbed."
How does it end up chicken? Arsenic is found in our environment including
the groundwater the birds drink. An organic version is also part of a
government approved additive, called roxarsone the National Chicken Council
says it's sometimes added to feed the fight.
Richard Lobb, National Chicken Council: "The action of roxarsone helps
to prevent the chickens from being colonized by a certain type of parasite.
It's done in the interest of producing healthy chickens."
But is this practice healthy for people? The FDA sets standards for
acceptable levels in food...And tells us "we have no indication that
products continuing arsenic are unsafe." the chicken industry agrees.
"The limits that are occasionally found are just incredibly infinitesimally
minuscule and are no conceivable threat to human health."
But toxicologist paul mushak, An expert in human exposure to arsenic,
says no level should be considered safe...And he's concerned about
chicken because americans are eating more than ever.
" I'm not saying that cancer rates are up because of arsenic in chicken.
What I'm saying is that there are enough questions and concerns that one
needs to be very circumspect."
In 2004, a Department of Agriculture study found that arsenic
concentrations in chicken are higher than previously recognized" and
when combined with increased consumption may "need to be considered when
estimating overall exposure to arsenic." mushak says adding arsenic to feed
is unnecessary.
"Certain poultry producers say they can get by without it."
In fact, arsenic cannot be fed to organic chickens. And industry leader,
tyson, says it stopped using arsenic...Due to public criticism, not safety.
Still, experts say its found plenty of brands.
David Wallinga, Inst. for Agriculture & Trade: "What we found is arsenic
is widely present in raw supermarket chicken.
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy recently tested more than
150 samples of uncooked chicken from 14 brands. The results of five brands
had no detectable arsenic or near absent levels in any of their products of
the others...Some point to environmental causes. None surpassed government
standards but...
"Some brands on average had about ten or even twenty times more arsenic
than the lowest contaminated brands."
Gold'n Plump and Perdue tested among the highest. Gold'n Plump tells us
arsenic in feed does not compromise safety. Perdue Farms says the arsenic is
organic and "has been used safely and
effectively for decades."
"The levels we're talking about are extremely low levels that really don't
mean very much."
But Jaime says any level matters to her when it comes to feeding her
family..."I will absolutely start looking for brands that do not have
arsenic in
Scientists say low levels of arsenic naturally occur in other foods,
such as rice and shrimp.
-----Original Message-----
From: Williams, Carol
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:32 PM
To: Murray, Suzanne
Subject: FW: Raw Chicken
-----Original Message-----
From: Rosalind R
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:45 AM
To: Williams, Carol
Subject: Raw Chicken
Hi Carol -
Thank you for your interesting and helpful report on the raw chicken
and arsenic feed. I always appreciate your Healthy Living reports.
You mentioned other brands besides Tyson that contained less arsenic in
tests, or that did NOT give their chickens feed w/arsenic. However,
these were not named. Do you have those brand names? If so, could you
email them to me. I want to send the info on to friends in other areas
of the US - one already said she usually buys the Plump Chicken brand.