Thanks for citing this.
I don't know, but I think researches like this are no-brainers.
Bone matrix is composed of protein. Bone tissue is continually being resorbed and deposited according to the stresses applied to it and the body's needs for calcium. So isn't it just natural to expect that we need protein to maintain some bone integrity?
Of course, there's also the need to continually apply stresses to bone, or else they just soften up, no matter what the nutrition is.
As for protein, we should never underestimate our need of it. It's in our bone, it's what makes up enzymes (and they're essential to all processes of life!), hemoglobin, immunoglobulins, and a lot more.
Well, studies like this would at least give us something to refer to, but I can't help but thinking it was a waste of resources, the expected outcome being quite predictable from knowledge we already have. It reminds me of a list of million-dollar researches that I received some time ago which, among others, included one that found out that injuries in American football involved mostly head and shoulders.