Originally Posted by NutrisaurusRx
Well that's good news. But that's not the same stuff Mercola sells, is it?
It could be but I don't know. I'm just showing you that some Antartic Krill oil is sufficiently clean to pass independent testing.
Furthermore, how do we know they didn't just send their best batch for testing?
How do we know Consumerlabs don't buy the products they test as ordinary purchasers.
If it was the case they only tested supplies direct from the manufacturer it would be surprising if they ever found any below standard but if you follow Consumerlabs you find every report finds some products that simply don't meet the amounts stated on the label.
The point is we can only buy what is available. It's all very well being totally cynical and snide but that isn't going to help people correct their current omega 3 deficiency or reduce their omega 6 toxicity levels. We need action now and we have to make the best bet choices.
however much you may dislike Mercola you have to admit he's been at the forefront of the omega 3 and vitamin D3 debate and he puts the case very effectively.
Food for Thought: "Omega-3s" and the Brain Here are 3 experts making the same points in an hour long radio show. We have to ensure people understand the importance of improving omega 3 status and reducing high omega 6 intakes. Being overly negative isn't helpful. If you know a better source of cheaper guaranteed pure krill oil then for goodness sake provide a link.