Dr. Jerry Tennant ,in his 2010 book Healing is Voltage, cautions that current blood tests do not distinguish T4 from fake T4 in which one or more of the 4 Iodines to which the tyrosine is attached is replaced by fluorine, which will substitute for any halogen and render the hormone dysfunctional.
There appear to be no easy reliable answers here. If there is not a competent nutritionist with whom you can discuss your symptoms in detail, the best guidance may be to avoid fluorine and supplement a 12.5 mg Lugol's dose daily in accordance with instructions for intake and making sure to avoid problem interactions.
Dr. Tennant also mentions a couple of other rather striking points:
Although the thyroid gland uses iodine before other parts of the body, every gland that secretes something uses large amounts of iodine
The parts of the body exposed to the outside world have iodine levels 30 times the blood level.