I've been having problems with my jaw for 2 years already and recently it's been getting worse by the day. I have difficulties chewing and swallowing because i clench together only the teeth on the left side of the jaw when chewing and swallowing while the other side stays immobile. Now even the left side is becoming weaker and weaker and I really don't know how to chew anymore.
Can anyone help me? I would really like to start chewing normally again on both sides of the jaw with strong movements.
Hi Metu, welcome! I'm a bit like you, I favor my left side for chewing, although it hasn't caused me any pain or noticeable problems.
I think all you can do is make a conscious effort to chew on the other side. Once you accomplish that, you can work on using both sides equally again.
Old habits are hard to break, but it can be done if that's what you want. You have to train yourself to use the other side of your mouth, and be aware every time you eat anything soft or hard. One suggestion is to start chewing sugarless gum on the right side, it will seem odd at first, but you'll get used to it. If I come across any information that may help you, I'll post it.
"Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." ~Immanual Kant~
Metu you had an emotion of abandonment and betrayal regarding a friend of yours 2 years ago and the emotions stuck in your jaw.
I released it and you should be OK now. Let me know.
I've been having problems with my jaw for 2 years already and recently it's been getting worse by the day. I have difficulties chewing and swallowing because i clench together only the teeth on the left side of the jaw when chewing and swallowing while the other side stays immobile. Now even the left side is becoming weaker and weaker and I really don't know how to chew anymore.
Can anyone help me? I would really like to start chewing normally again on both sides of the jaw with strong movements.
Metu, do you think you might be clenching your teeth as a result of stress? That would cause alot of soreness to your jaw structure and the tissues & muscles as well. If so, you could get a dentist to create a insert for your mouth to use while you sleep to prevent temperomandibular joint problems.
It also sounds as though it could be a dislocated jaw or possibly an abscess. Perhaps you should have it looked at before you're not able to eat any longer...
__________________ The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.
Sorry Cookie, I meant to reply but posponed it and then forgot. I'll try to explain energy healing.
The body wants to be healthy. To help accomplish this it will make available to a practitioner any information he/she needs.
Most diseases or malfunctions are caused by an energy imbalance in the mind like a trapped emotion. Or it could be from a Free Radical or Electromatic spectrum imbalance in the body. There is others too.
A good practitioner can narrow down exactly what the cause is and correct it by running a magnet down his/her governing meridian.
That's a basic explanation. There is lots of books out there on energy medicine.
Do you (or a loved one) have a specific problem or pain? I will try to help.
That's interesting. I understand the basics of energy healing through things I've read, but haven't had the opportunity to speak or correspond with someone who practices directly.
What I don't understand is how energy healing occurs when you're not within the patient's energy field or able to physically run a magnet over him. Maybe I'm not conveying my thoughts properly through this medium, please forgive me for being redundant, but the proceedure you used to 'release it' still isn't clear to me. For instance, did you meditate & see a vision? And then visualize a positive outcome for metu?
You speak of diseases or malfunctions being caused by an energy imbalance in the mind, however couldn't the brain in this case also be misinterpreting the source of the pain? For instance, an injury to the upper cervical spine (C1-C4) could be referring pain to metu's jaw since both areas share the same sympathetic or sensory nerve supply.
__________________ The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.
With energy healing it doesn't matter if I am beside the patient or halfway around the world from him.
Everything is energy including people. Einstien proved that with his E=MC2. All a practitioner has to do is connect with the patient either with a surrogate or use himself as proxy. Once connected you access the patients subconscious mind and this is possible becausae the body wants to be well. The subconscious mind knows all including the reason for the pain or unwellness.
Using a chart I can zero in on the cause in just a few seconds. I release it by running a magnet over my governing meridian several times and that's basically it.
I first learned about energy medicine in a book called The Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson. You can buy it on Amazon for $13.57. I recommend it highly. You will learn what I am talking about.
Did I explain it better? If not ask away I'll try to answer.
Cookie I posted a lot on the old HSI forum under jERRY ֿ�
You are right it is a mental connection to the patient. I don't keep records of successes mainly because I don't get feedback. I do my best to help but don't know if it worked. Maybe in time I will know.
Try to get a copy of that book it will explain so much better than I can.