Originally Posted by Arrowwind09
The only vaccine my dog gets is rabbies, and only that so he can go to Mexico
Just curious as I guess you give your dog the shots, so that you can cross the border, but it sounds like if you didn't have to go to Mexico with your dog that you would probably not give you dog the rabbies shot, even though it's the law.
I guess my question is that I do go to a few dog messageboards and one thing I guess I wonder is that my vet or any vet I've gone to requires proof of rabies shots, before seeing the dog. I take my dog to the vet once a year for the prescription of heartworm medication and they always need proof of rabies shots. I'm guessing if you never gave your dog the rabbies shots that you wouldn't then be able to get the prescrption?
My dog is only 2 years old and I'm on the every 3 year rabbies cycle, but when she turns 10 or older, I start to think that the vaccination is probably a higher risk than her getting rabbies, especially since she's so old and an inside dog and it appears that the rabbies do last much longer than they indicated.
I know Dr. Dodd was one of the people who pushed to allow the exact same vaccination 1 year be allowed for 3 years and now she's pushing for them to allow it for 5 years. If all studies show that the vaccination does last years and years, then I can see why a person who has a 10 year old dog not want to give them another vaccination that could cause more harm and be benefical.