What type of drops can you take for conjunctivitis? I have a 2 yr old who has it. Poor eye is a little swollen, doctor said it is a VIRAL infection, but prescribed antibiotic eyedrops....she said, if it turns into a bacteria infection to use the prescribed eye drops.
Anyway....the eye drops are freakin $96! I freakin pay over $10,000 a year for my stupid crappy health insurance (me plus my wife and family). And I never go to the freakin doctor! Anyway, I don't want to waste even more money on eye drops.
Is there anything else I could use on my 2 yr old? I have some collodial silver. Should I use that?
What type of drops can you take for conjunctivitis? I have a 2 yr old who has it. Poor eye is a little swollen, doctor said it is a VIRAL infection, but prescribed antibiotic eyedrops....she said, if it turns into a bacteria infection to use the prescribed eye drops.
Anyway....the eye drops are freakin $96! I freakin pay over $10,000 a year for my stupid crappy health insurance (me plus my wife and family). And I never go to the freakin doctor! Anyway, I don't want to waste even more money on eye drops.
Is there anything else I could use on my 2 yr old? I have some collodial silver. Should I use that?
Can't put a price on your child's well being dude..
Here says it can be used in a solution of water and one or two drops...
However, I don't know... I know it's $96, but to ensure the health of your child.. It's well worth it in my opinion...
but the doctor said....its viral...and the antibiotics won't do anything for it, unless it turns into it. she said...if she keeps itching it, it COULD become infected.
can collodial silver kill viruses? if so, then, on paper, wouldn't that be better than the antibiotic drops, for right now?
I make my own colloidal silver and have used it to treat both animal and human eye infections - with 100% success rate! My daughter, myself and our pet rabbit!
I wouldn't hesitate to use the CS!
Plus it cures many other things! Even friends who I give it away to are amazed at what CS can cure!
As an anti-inflammatory, goldenseal is effective for ulcers and irritations of the mouth, upper respiratory tract, eyes, and to lesser avail, the digestive and urinary tracts.
For conjunctivitis which is secondary to bacterial or fungal infection in dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, rodents, horses, or reptiles, a goldenseal eyewash will serve as a strong antimicrobial agent which also acts quickly to reduce inflammation and redness.
To use goldenseal in this capacity, make a strong tea from the chopped dry root, then add 12-20 drops of the dark golden yellow fluid into one ounce of sterile saline— the stuff marketed for people with contact lenses. A few drops in each eye (or a fraction of a drop in small birds, rodents, and such) two or three times daily, will usually bring relief very quickly. (from the animalherbalist.com)
I recalled seeing Goldenseal for the use in animals, figured I'd mention it, maybe you can research use for people, although I can't see a difference. Although here they say bacterial/fungal, not viral. I just looked in my old herb book, and it is used for the eyes in people, but it notes that it can be gritty, and to strain with a cheesecloth before use, but they likely aren't referring to the modern extracts that we use today. More on Goldenseal...https://www.natmedtalk.com/wiki/Goldenseal
I should have read this thread before posting my own but I think it is still good I posted mine as I described things really well what I am going through. Tell me please, do I take the silver hydrosol orally or put it directly in the eye? Please tell me what to do as I already have a brand new silver hydrosol.