Healing eczema
Interesting string of thoughts and feelings. Health issues tend to stimulate strong emotional response because they are so personal.
Generally, I'd have to agree with the folks steering away from Clorox to "heal" anything. Just because a substance stimulates a response in the body and is scientifically measurable does not mean that it's the best way to do it.
You can lose weight instantly by cutting off a body part. Scientifically, that would be considered an "effective" method. Science is not always objective. Good science is awesome. Bad science can and has been used to cause a tremendous amount of harm in this world. When money or influence is considered before the well being of the inhabitants of the planet (all the inhabitants, not just humans), bad things oftentimes result.
Nature is the only consistently reliable system. It's been working longer than anything created by man. Mankind has done some amazing things. I'm not certain if the wonderful things we've done balance out the horrendous things we've done.
I follow the philosophy that if you get out of Nature's way, it works really well.
Eczema is an imbalance. Anything that is out of balance can be brought back to balance. I don't believe in "cures" because I don't believe in the modern Western definition of disease. Far before modern medicine invented disease, there were more advanced systems of medicine that referred to health in terms of balance and imbalance.
Eczema is an imbalance characterized by inflammation, redness, dry and itchy skin. It can also manifest as oozing lesions in extreme cases. After a while, repeated scratching often causes the skin to become thick and crusty. All around, it's a real drag.
Any part of your body can be affected by eczema, but it has a tendency to manifest on the face, neck, elbows, knees, and ankles. On infants, it sometimes shows up on the forehead, cheeks, forearms, legs, scalp, and neck.
In my work as a nutritionist, I've seen great results with a combination of foods rich in Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's), leafy green vegetables, and aloe vera taken internally and externally. This combination re-balances most of the factors associated with skin problems of any type.
My favorite form of EFA is shelled hemp seed. Hemp seed has a perfectly balanced blend of all the oils your body needs. It is delicious, highly nutritious, and a great source of protein. It's also a whole food. Since our bodies are designed to consume whole foods, I have a tendency to stick to whole foods when possible. Two tablespoons of shelled hemp seed daily will providearound 8 grams of healing EFA's.
The next major component of a healing protocol for eczema is leafy green vegetables. Leafy green vegetables are nature's best source of macro minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron. Trace minerals and chlorophyll also contribute to the nutritional profile and play a large role in healing your skin.
Chlorophyll plays a key part in healing eczema. This wonderful green juice aids in liver function by acting as a blood detoxifier. Since skin health is directly linked to liver health, chlorophyll rich leafy green foods are a very important part in healing skin issues like eczema. The additional fiber, antioxidants and carotenoids in chlorophyll round out its benefits nicely. Eat 2-3 cups of leafy greens daily.
The last key component to healing eczema is aloe vera. Internally, aloe vera rebalances the immune system without stimulating an aggressive reaction. Since many skin problems (eczema, psoriasis, etc.) are auto-immune disorders, this is very important. Two ounces of good quality aloe juice taken twice daily on an empty stomach will provide noticeable results. It can take 3-6 months but it will completely heal the imbalance in most cases.
Topically, aloe vera soothes and heals damaged skin. It has more of an immediate effect for the symptoms than when taken internally. Anyone who has eczema knows how important it is to have immediate relief.
One note about aloe vera juice: Be sure you buy good quality aloe. Most products sold at mainstream stores are garbage, even if the label states 100% aloe. Stick with brands that are certified by the IASC (International
Aloe Science Council). My favorites are Aloe Life and Lily of the Desert.
For the sake of a quick recap, consume hemp seeds for EFA's, leafy greens for minerals and chlorophyll, and aloe to soothe and balance immune function. A sauna or steam room would help with removal of toxins. Bathing in epsom salts and oatmeal soothes, heals, and provides detoxification. Deep breathing also promotes detoxification as well as oxygenating your body.
There are some nutritional basics that should be a part of any diet. Drink at least 64 ounces of fresh water daily. Reduce or eliminate refined sugar (especially soda) and refined salt. Eliminate all artificial flavors, colors, and
preservatives. Reduce or eliminate alcohol, tobacco use, and deep fried foods. Reduce or eliminate dairy products.
Make fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, non-glutenous grains (rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat), and legumes the majority of your caloric intake.
Thanks to everybody for sharing their thoughts.