I took Nattokinase gelcaps for several years, as prescribed by my naturopathic practitioner, to reduce fibrinogen in my blood. Then I learned about a Serrapeptase capsule that could be opened and the powder dissoved in distilled water and inhaled with a nebulizer. It was my understanding that Serrapeptase consumed only old dead tissue and scar tissue and left healthy tissue alone, so I felt that it would be ideal to clean out the damage done to my lungs from 40 years of smoking and many bouts of pneumonia. I didn't take Serrapeptase long enough to be sure that it was working, but I don't see why not.
Nattokinase was very slow about lowering the fibrinogen, but I believe my heart problems probably would have started much sooner if I hadn't taken it. After coming off of a week of life support in early March, and testing my fibrinogen in May it was 278...a few years before it was 555 when first discovered. On 9-01-2010 it was up to 382. Normal is 150 to 400.