Originally Posted by Indigo
Considering I'd been supplementing with 5,000iu daily for months plus in the sun at every opportunity, explains why last winter I struggled to walk as my levels must have been barely anything.
Exactly Which is why I get so cross when articles in the media or on the BBC say or imply that just taking the RDA and getting a moderate amount of sun will be fine.
Well it's fine for the medical profession who earn their livings dealing with ill health but your response is TYPICAL.
5000iu + sunshine is just about adequate.
A little more and you'd be able to provide vitamin D replete breast milk for your offspring (that is providing you are female and of childbearing age) I can't see why it isn't obvious to health professionals that human breast milk should be a complete food for human babies.
If human breast milk doesn't provide sufficient vitamin D to boost the babies immune function and build strong bones and enable optimum brain development then surely raising the 25(OH)D status of the mother should be a priority.
After I sent off the blood I tried doing 2 x 5,000iu Mon, Wed, Fri but was forgetting so for the moment have settled on 2 caps Mon - Fri and 1 cap Sat and Sun in the hope I remember that better
Providing over the week you take 10 x 5000iu it doesn't really matter how they are spread out. If you think you've a busy week ahead or are going to be away then just take all 10 in one session and leave taking more till next week.
Obviously the larger the amount the greater the change in status and I'd prefer a steady state rather than ups/downs but providing you don't exceed a month between dosing there shouldn't be a problem.
oh, what does the D2 result mean Ted? Mine is <4
< means BELOW or less than.
so you have less than 4ng/ml of ERGOCALCIFEROL vitamin D2 in your system.
That means you haven't been taking PRESCRIPTION vitamin D2 or eating sun/uvb exposed mushrooms.
Any amount below 4ng they ignore because it's below the test accuracy threshold any way.
If you were a vegetarian you may have found some ergocalciferol vitamin D2 tablets but I wouldn't recommend them. Remember vitamin D is a FAT SOLUBLE vitamin so when you take it already dissolved in fat you eliminated one chance if not absorbing it. It's easy for people on fat free diets to suffer malabsorption of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
The case against ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) as a vitamin supplement
It quite often happens that D2 (the vitamin D rats use) speeds up the rate humans use up vitamin D, you can see on the graph how the D2 people were lower at the end of the month than at the start.
I don't know why but particularly women seem to get into an escalating spiral of taking ever more vitamin D2 to stay vitamin D replete. On another forum a woman with osteoporosis had been prescribed 3 x 50,000iu/DAILY and still wasn't able to maintain adequate vitamin D levels. Swapping to the human form meant she only needed ONE X 50,000iu EACH WEEK, a bit different to taking 21 x 50,000iu weekly.
Sometimes health professionals are extremely slow learners.
Now you've got your 25(OH)D status about right you will be absorbing more calcium from your diet. You may want to consider reducing calcium supplement intake to below 600mg/d and use one of the online calcium calculators to check you are getting a total of around 1200mg/daily in your food/water.
Ideally calcium is best counterbalanced with magnesium so checking on sources of that is also worth doing.
Krispin has it about right, 5 to 10 milligrams per day per kilo of ideal body weight or 2.5 to 4.5 milligrams per day per pound of ideal body weight. Example: 70 kilos or 150 pounds= 350 mg. to 700 mg. daily.
and it's also worth checking that you have good food sources of vitamin K or take a mixed form of vitamin K2.
Dr Cannell vitamin d council has more on vitamin D co factors.