Pau D' Arco

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Pau d'Arco
Pau D' Arco (tabebuia heptaphylla, tabebuia avellandae)

Origin & Description

Pau D' Arco is a broad-leaf evergreen tree which is native to Central and South America. It has been found growing up to heights of 125 feet, and boasts a hard, disease and pest-resistant outer bark. Flowers from the tree range in color from pink to violet. The inner bark is used for medicinal applications. Other common names are Taheebo, Lapacho and Ipe Roxo.

Constituents & Actions

Pau d'Arco
The active chemicals in this herb are lapachol and beta-lapachone, which are known as naphtoquinones. The antioxidant Quercitin and flavonoids are also contained in Pau D' Arco.

Bodily influences are an alterative (cleanser, aids in removal of waste products), analgesic (relieves pain),anodyne (reduces pain), anti-bacterial, antibiotic, anti-diabetic and anti-fungal.

Actions also include anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antiseptic, anti-tumor, anti-viral, astringent, bitter tonic, blood purifier, digestive, diuretic (increases the secretion and flow of urine), fungicide, hypotensive (reduces blood pressure) and parasiticide (kills parasites and worms).

Medicinal Uses

Pau D Arco has significant anti-fungal properties, making it useful for vaginal douches and as a treatment for vaginitis. It therefore also discourages Candida Albicans and Herpes Simplex, while strenghtening the immune system.

This herb is also used in conjunction with chemotherapy for cancer patients, and aids in the prevention of the destructive effects of chemo on the liver and kidneys. It seems to have the ability to dissolve various types of tumors. It is given to cancer and leukemia patients by the government in Argentina. It also has pain relieving qualities which are so desperately needed in many cancer patients.

Diabetes sufferers have found that Pau D' Arco can lower their dependence on insulin injections. It has been used along with licorice by hypoglycemics. This herb has helped many types of liver ailments, including the reduction of liver (age) spots.

Pau D' Arco is high in iron, which makes it very effective in aiding the natural assimilation of nutrients, encouraging improved elimination through the intestinal tract. Some conditions which can be treated with this herb are:

  • Age Spots
  • Aids
  • Anemia
  • Antibiotics (side-effects of)
  • Arthritis
  • Blood (purifier)
  • Bronchitis
  • Cancer (immune booster)
  • Candida Albicans
  • Diabetes
  • Eczema
  • Herpes
  • Hodgkin's Disease
  • Leukemia
  • Liver Conditions
  • Pain
  • Parasites (worms)
  • Prostatitis
  • Rheumatism
  • Skin Cancer
  • Toxemia
  • Tumors
  • Ulcers
  • Urinary Tract (inflammation)
  • Yeast Infections

Dosage & Side-Effects

A common dosage in capsules of 300-500mg, is one taken three times per day. The herbal tincture (1:5) is .5-1 ml two to three times a day.

Pau D' Arco is not to be used for infants, children, or pregnant/nursing women. Large amounts of this herb may be toxic. Side-effects may appear as anemia, nausea, diarrhea and dizziness.

Effects of blood-thinning medications, including aspirin, are intensified when using this herb. There may be unknown interactions when using Pau D' Arco with other herbs or prescription or over-the-counter medicines. Always consult with your physician before using any herbal preparations.

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