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Old 01-02-2009, 06:32 AM
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Default Want to fix your health problems??

This may be the fix you have been looking for since it might just fix most health problems. Below is a copy of my blog, my late Christmas gift to all.

My Investigation of MMS

I have been investigating how to get healthy ever since my wife contracted cancer in 1990 and I had to admit I was only worth moral support. So I have since done many, many hours of investigation. This is what I have learned lately and it makes sense with all that I have learned over the past 18 years. Actually, it makes the best sense which is why I am so strongly recommending it. Also, it has no adverse side effects and its mechanism is curing my 8 degenerative disease.

Jim Humble's MMS may be a cure for most diseases because diseased tissue is almost always a mold, fungus, bacteria, etc that can only exist in an oxygen deficient environment.

"When normally alkaline tissue doesn�t have enough oxygen (i.e., negative ions, free electrons, energy), it becomes diseased as cells die off, just like we will when we don�t get enough oxygen. The fundamental problem that we face when the body chemistry gets out of balance (and low on oxygen in certain areas), is the over abundance of organisms that congregate in those areas, which don�t require oxygen (since the normally oxygen-rich environment is depleted), and in turn produce acidic waste by-products. Chlorine dioxide, as delivered through the MMS protocol, reduces that microbial and antigen overgrowth through oxidation. It�s also important to introduce the various vitamin, mineral, enzyme, bacterial, and amino acids, the depletion of which brought on the overgrowth in the first place."

MMS is very reactive and provides a blast of oxygen very fast to cells causing diseased tissue to die off, sometimes very rapidly. Humble does not sell MMS, but has told anyone how to make it. There are suppliers listed at his website.

Best explanation I have read includes why MMS is totally safe w/o side effects. If nausea occurs, it is a good sign, a herxheimer effect of the body sloughing off diseased tissue so fast that it overloads and causes nausea and/or vomiting.
MMS Australia |What A Retired ND has to say about Miracle Mineral Supplement |

Here is another excellent written explanation that includes a video
Alternative Medicine Network � MMS (Chlorine Dioxide)

Free download of part one of Humble's book, part two isn't necessary unless you want to make your own. Part one is Humble's entire story of how he developed MMS and how he and others have used it.
Miracle Mineral

Using MMS on eyes while also drinking it to overcome Macular Degeneration
11. MMS & Eyes:
I mention it in my book about using in the eyes. I would suggest making a 2 drops dose, using the citric acid (not lemon juice), wait 3 minutes, add 1/3 glass of water, and use that to wash the eye out twice a day, but after 3 minutes then wash the eye out with clean water or eye wash."

Several people on the Internet have good nutritious items for macular degeneration. I'd follow the wash in the above paragraph and then after one week only do it once a day and go to the Internet and find one of those macular degeneration nutrition's and take it to make sure you can rebuild your eye. You should also be taking MMS by mouth."
MMS FAQ's Miracle Mineral Supplement

"It is now known that MMS can be used to overcome the symptoms of AIDS, Hepatitis A,B&C, malaria, typhoid, most cancers, herpes, pneumonia, food poisoning, tuberculosis, asthma, colds, flu and a host of other conditions. Even conditions not directly related to pathogens seem to be helped due to the huge boost to the body's immune system, i.e., macular degeneration, allergies, lupus, inflammatory bowel disorders, diabetes, snake bites and fibromyalgia. Dozens of other diseases were successfully treated and can be controlled with this new mineral supplement. It also works with sore throats, warts, mouth sores, and even abscessed teeth (it's the only thing that controls and cures abscessed teeth)."

Want more info on cancer and oxygen? There is a ton of info about oxygen and health on the internet. Here is one
Cancer and oxygen

Best regards, Ben

Ben Simonton
Author "Leading People to be Highly Motivated and Committed"
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Old 01-02-2009, 11:02 AM
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Ben, one of the boards here is just about MMS.

go here:

MMS board on NatMedTalk

(and Kevin, maybe you want to move Ben's post to that forum?)
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Old 01-02-2009, 12:28 PM
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Default thanks, scorpiotiger

I knew that and purposely did not post there since those people already know about MMS. I was trying to reach those who don't know that MMS exists in order to help them.

Best regards, Ben
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Old 01-02-2009, 06:13 PM
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Ben, people aren't around here for very long without finding out about mms. but thanks anyway. Welcome to the forum.
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Old 01-02-2009, 06:18 PM
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It's changing, Arrow, be positive.
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Old 01-03-2009, 08:18 PM
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Thanks Ben, I have heard of MMS but not really sure what it does. Your thread caught my attention. I have several health problems for seven years plus now and my doctors are still not getting it right--I feel very neglected. I also feel a sense of discrimination too.

Anyway, I have read in one of Jon Barron's newsletter at jonbarron.org--I forgot what the title was for that particular newsletter that said that the toxic mercury fillings(amalgam) depletes 50% of the oxygen from the cells. I have had these toxic heavy metal in my mouth for 16 years now. And I think that all the health problems are catching up to me. Hopefully, I will save enough to go to Houston, TX to a biological dentist to safely remove all these inhumane fillings in my mouth properly.

I will look into some of the websites you have suggested and the MMS thread too, and will purchase some, hopefully it'll turn things around and do me good. Thank you so much.
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Old 01-03-2009, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by bensimo View Post
I knew that and purposely did not post there since those people already know about MMS. I was trying to reach those who don't know that MMS exists in order to help them.

Best regards, Ben

Thank you Ben, for posting this thread.
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Old 01-04-2009, 02:13 AM
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Default Thanks, TML

Thanks for the thanks and if after reading you have questions, just ask and I will try to answer or we can get it from someone else on this site. I was a practical nuclear engineer and so always want to know why something works.

You are right about amalgams. They gas off mercury on a steady basis and worse after being chewed on or brushed. I have quite a few amalgams and through a hair test learned that I was heavily contaminated with mercury. I ate a bunch of cilantro every day for about six months and got it down to a very low level. I also used DMSA (prescribed by my wholistic doctor) to get mercury out of my brain and into the blood stream so it could be removed as well. Without the DMSA, cilantro can't get mercury out of the brain. Of course, I have no way of knowing whether I actually removed mercury from my brain.

I did this a few years ago, so I began another 6 months of eating cilantro about two months ago. I am relatively sure that some of my mercury came from eating contaminated fish. The mercury gets into the air from burning coal, drifts along and drops into everything - streams, rivers, and oceans. I now only eat fresh fish that have very little, not farmed. I include cod, sardines, and alaskan salmon.

Best regards, Ben
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Old 01-04-2009, 08:34 AM
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Ben, I'm pretty sure I read that cilantro is believed to be able to cross that blood-brain barrier and remove or bind to mercury in the brain. It is one of the few "natural" chelators than can.

I don't particularly like the taste of cilantro; so I opt for chlorella.

I'm also not sure I want to use DMSA without being monitored by an ND or MD. However, I have used EDTA in the past; but only for a short while. When I use such products, I feel the need to supplement with a multimineral. I've heard that DMSA is more bioavailable than EDTA; but EDTA has been in use by the public more and is less expensive. Still, I would rather stick with herbs. I feel that herbs will more likely bind to mercury; instead of freeing it to run rampant in the body in hopes of it passing through digestion.

Selenium is known to oxidize mercury, rendering it useless by changing its form.
- Jim
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Old 01-04-2009, 11:51 AM
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Default I hope that you are right, Jim

The only reason I took DMSA was on the advice of my doctor who was a real expert in alternative medicine, herbs and what-have-you.

I hope you are right since he is no longer available to me and I am only taking cilantro this time.

And thanks for the additional info.

Best regards, Ben
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Old 01-04-2009, 09:13 PM
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Ben, I have started on a detox program through Jon Barron and his team; using all his products. I have gotten around the first phase which is the metal detox (Metal Magic)for 42 days along with the colon cleanse--it complements each other when doing it together. I get his products from Baseline Nutritionals(.com), it was created by Jon Barron and one of his side-kick(check out his site, jonbarron.org, if you want to know more about him; he's one of the leaders in alternative health--I admire him immensely for his work and knowledge). I do believe that his Metal Magic formula is considered the most powerful known--done with his special technique.

I'm fixing to do Phase 2 and 3 of the program soon, I only have a certain amount of time(a fair amount, I've been procrastinating) before I have to start all over. This is the second time I have done Phase 1 of the program and never gotten around to the last phases yet. Phase 3 is so detailed, and I'm terrify about the "healing crisis", they call it. You should check it out, the Metal Magic also has cilantro and chlorella in it, and you take it with juice; if you(and me) have more than a few amalgam fillings then would have to do it every 2 months, after the first initial 42 days. It'll save you from eating all that cilantro for that many days.

By the way, you thinking about getting those toxic fillings out of your mouth? I am considering it'll soon for me, my body is saying so, I believe.
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Old 01-05-2009, 02:52 AM
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Default Thanks, TML

Thanks for the info, TML.

I have thought about removing all my mercury amalgams, but I am an old dog and believe I can live through it with cilantro. Besides, I like cilantro and it fits in very nicely with my alkaline diet.

My oldest daughter had all her amalgams removed a few years back when I first ran across the problem. Fortunately, my youngest has never had a filling.

Good luck with your detoxing.

Best regards, Ben
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Old 01-12-2009, 02:45 PM
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Hi Ben,

Do you have the number for mmspacific? I filled out the order form and submitted; I'm still waiting for an email from them to finish my order?

It's funny that they don't take mastercard. I clicked on paypal; not sure how it works. I haven't done any order with paypal.

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Old 01-13-2009, 05:50 AM
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I use globallight at

MMS Convenience Package: 4 oz Bottle MMS | 2 oz Packet Citric Acid Crystals | Empty 4 oz Bottle for Citric Acid Solution

They seem reputable and have been recommended to me by several people.

Best regards, Ben
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� #15
Old 01-13-2009, 01:37 PM
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Did you use MMS products from pacific minerals? You provided the link, I thought that you got it from them.

I wonder why I haven't got any feedback from them yet about the order.
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