MMS is a Deterrent against New Flu Varieties
Suggested Procedure for Using MMS as a Flu Deterrent or Remedy:
1. In a cup or glass mix 1 drop of MMS with 5 drops of unfiltered vinegar or
fresh lemon juice. Swirl and wait three minutes for activation to be completed.
2. .Add � glass of water or juice that does not have added ascorbic acid or
vitamin C (Vitamin C prevents proper functions of this solution). Drink this
whole amount as quickly as possible.
3. If you felt absolutely no change during this first hour, go ahead and go to 2 drops on the second hour. (Always use 5 drops of vinegar or lemon juice for each drop of MMS, and of course, the three minute wait) Go to 3 drops on the third hour if you have not felt any change in nausea) The nausea is not bad. It
indicates that the MMS is killing pathogens. But do not cause yourself nausea by taking more. Over time increase to a maximum of 6 drops MMS with 30 drops of theacid. If you weigh over 200 pounds then 10 drops might be the maximum. Keep inmind that most people will not go over 3 or 4 drops an hour before they begin tofeel added nausea. Thus they must reduce the number of drops by at least one drop.
4. Continue for 12 hours. The flu should be gone by the end of 12 hours;
however, in any case, do not stop taking MMS until you are sure that you have recovered.
5. Continue to take a six drop dose twice a day for the next week or two.