Sandra, it is a chelation agent as is EDTA. However, serrapeptase does so much more. I find that I can tolerate EDTA better than serrapeptase. Serrapeptase really thins my blood so much that it makes my internal hemorrhoids bleed. I do take serrapeptase occasionally; but I take small dosages. You might like to try it. If you do, be cautious that you don't take other blood thinning supplements or drugs.
Serrapeptase - A 2nd Gift from Silkworms
The natural Chelation-Anti-Inflammatory Serrapeptase has had wide clinical use - spanning over twenty-five years throughout Europe and Asia - as a viable alternative to salicylates, ibuprofen and the more potent NSAIDs. Unlike these drugs, Serrapeptase is a naturally occurring, physiological agent with no inhibitory effects on prostaglandins and is devoid of gastrointestinal side effects.
See Studies and Technical Information.
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the micro-organism Serratia E15. This enzyme is naturally processed commercially today through fermentation and was
discovered in the silkworm intestine. This immunologically active enzyme is completely bound to the alpha 2 macroglobulin in biological fluids. Histological studies reveal powerful anti-inflammatory effects of this naturally occurring enzyme.
digests non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, and arterial plaque and inflammation in all forms. The late German physician, Dr. Hans Nieper, used Serrapeptase to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients. Serrapeptase protects against stroke and is reportedly more effective and quicker than EDTA Chelation treatments in removing arterial plaque. He also reports that Serrapeptase
dissolves blood clots and causes varicose veins to shrink or diminish. Dr. Nieper told of a woman scheduled for hand amputation and a man scheduled for bypass surgery who both recovered quickly without surgery after treatment with Serrapeptase.
see also