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This blog is dedicated to Natural Medicine Talk, a unique health forum that is not only informative and versatile, but posesses a personal attribute which is rarely experienced on other forums.

We're proud of our accomplishments here, and we appreciated the opportunity to share discussions and life experiences with all the special people who help make this forum strong. Always....growing and improving with time.

As the blog title indicates, topics mentioned here will go beyond the health forum itself, and will be unlimited.

Health Forums - Big Spam Targets!

Posted 09-24-2011 at 05:20 PM by kind2creatures (NatMedTalk and Beyond)

Health forums, such as Natural Medicine Talk, are very inviting targets for spammers. Some people are paid just to get links 'out there', whether they're for products, services or website promotions. Many are from other countries outside of the United States.

Spamming can be done directly, or in a more sneaky way, indirectly. They post "leading" messages which forum members reply to, and once they're comfortable on the forum and 'trusted' by the other members posting on the...
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