Originally Posted by saved1986
10g vit C a day (take the selenium a few hrs away from the vit C). (Take the C in 3 divided doses of 3-4 g each).
They should take or make and use Liposomal vitamin C, they would get greatly higher absorption from it than any other vitamin C supplement they can use, even if they could do injections of vitamin C the liposomal is just better(and much more practical)...And as far as i know the vitamin C - Cancer cure way of using it is taking a dose throughout the day every 30 minutes(bcuz thats how long it will stay in your body before the excess is urinated out)
He should also avoid sugar, drink 8-10 glasses of water daily, and sleep enough at night, probiotics would also be of help and i have strong believe in lemon's healing abilities,so a glass of water with fresh squeezed lemon once a day or once in a while i believe would also be beneficial(im not sure but i think lemon coming to contact with the teeth is not good,so he could use a straw,im not sure about this though :P )...
And one advice i could give is a second opinion is not good enough,they need to get 5 opinions, put them all together and use their common sense to figure out what is Really going on, because i would bet money that all 5 of those opinions(because thats what it always is and all they got,they always assume,think,believe,guess,come up with those)would have small or large differences between the diagnosis/cure protocol...
Good luck to the person going through this hell and for the alternative healing to work the one beeing healed must accept it and believe it will work, and stay positive...
If he trusts the doctors blindly he will be homeless before he dies and that wont last long either,bcuz there is little to no compassion in that department and when you already spend everything you have in that department,there aint nothing left, and they cant help you anymore, because they care so deeply about your well beeing and not about the money(ha-ha)...