� #31
Old 06-06-2012, 04:01 PM
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I'm Keeping an eye on our lemon tree at the moment, some of the lemons are looking a bit strange with lumps on them Will see if I find a really badly affected one and take a pic, they are still colloring up at the moment.
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� #32
Old 06-21-2012, 02:56 PM
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mommysunshine is on a distinguished road

Several months after Fukushima I posted a farmer friend had a 3 yolked egg. The same farmer just told us on Facebook that one of his new baby cows has 6 feet. His sister just had a miscarriage. Most people would say you can't correlate this to fukushima but what then?
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� #33
Old 06-22-2012, 08:23 AM
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Animal mutations were common for downwinders after above ground nuclear testiing in Nevada. Where was this farmer located mommysunshine? I remember seeing cows with extra legs and feet when I was a kid at an animal fread show.

My friend had a grandbaby with a significant heart birth defect. They were locacted in Washington state during her pregnance when Fukashima happened. Cardiac conditions in children are one of the most prevalant issues with radiation. Rapidly growing tissues mutate the most. Children are always at greater risk to low levels of radiation. It may not affect adults at all or in any immediately visible way.

Im not seeing anything unusual of late. All things coming up in the garden look normal so far. Danilion season is about past now.
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� #34
Old 06-22-2012, 03:08 PM
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mommysunshine is on a distinguished road

With dandelion season over no more 1 inch. thick stems. Hopefully they won't be back next year.

The farmer said that when a momma cow gives birth the two front legs of the calf stick out for a while until the rest of the body comes out. This was the 6 legged cow! He was just playing with the birth process and no mutation in his baby cows occurred. Sorry for the false alarm.
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