I've used Passionflower successfully for insomnia where the mind is racing at bedtime.
Kava Kava didn't seem to do much for me, but it did a bit of something for my daughter.
I don't have anxiety problems per se, but my daughter does. She uses Bach Aspen flower remedy along with Nutri-West EEP (which is sort of like Bach Rescue Remedy, but seems to work better for both of us).
I've used the Ayurvedic herb Serpina in the past, but I have to order it from the UK or India. It also can be useful for anxiety, and is used by a few of the corn allergic for mild hypertension (since the alternative is getting your BP meds mixed up specially at a compounding Rx and that's pricey).
My best friend uses Serpina in conjunction with 5-HTP for depression and anxiety. When she drops out the Serpina, well, it's NOT a good thing...so obviously it is working for her.