Is the "HIV Test" Valid?
Is the "HIV Test" Valid?
There is plenty of evidence that it is not.
"At present there is no scientific basis for using these tests to prove HIV infection."
- Emeritus Prof. Gordon Stuart, Public Health, Glasgow UK
"It may be impossible to relate an antibody response specifically to HIV infection."
- Chief UK virologist Philip Mortimer
"I think those of us who are not HIV positive cannot even begin to imagine how profoundly the psyche and health of an individual is affected by belief in the existence of a lethal retrovirus inexorably eating at the immune system. It must take extreme valour to even question what almost the whole of the rest of world believes to be true."
- Dr Valender Turner, Consultant emergency physician,
Royal Perth Hospital, Western Australia
"It is becoming painfully evident that the AIDS Establishment's admonition to gay men to stay healthy is proving less effective than its subliminal inducements to seroconvert, to enter a system predicated on early death."
- Ian Young, Poet and Psychohistorian, Canada
Here is some information you should consider if you have had an "HIV test" or are planning to get tested. Your life may depend on it.
~ if nothing else, read these four documents ~ Is the "AIDS Test" Accurate?
by Christine Maggiore
This excellent summary cuts through the jargon to bring us the facts we need to know.
Even if you accept the party line on HIV testing, take the numbers and do the math the average "HIV positive" is twice as likely to be false-positive as true-positive.
Should a physician insist that you, or your child, test, insist that they first sign this document. If they are certain that HIV tests are accurate, they should agree without hesitation to stand behind their recommendations and provide, in writing, their assurance for your health and safety.
Why the �HIV Tests� Can�t Tell You Whether You Have HIV
Copyright � 2001 by Zenger�s Newsmagazine. � Used by permission
Rodney Richards, Ph.D., didn�t start out as an AIDS rebel when he began his career as an organic chemist in 1982. The company he started to work for that year � then known as Applied Molecular Genetics and now called Amgen, the world�s largest biotech company � originally had him work on synthesizing DNA. In 1984 Amgen started working on a joint venture with Abbott Laboratories, the first licensee of the ELISA [Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay] test for HIV antibodies from inventor Dr. Robert Gallo, in which Amgen would help Abbott develop new technologies for diagnostic tests. (Contrary to popular belief, as Dr. Richards explains below, ELISA and the other �HIV tests� are neither licensed nor marketed as diagnostic tests.) �That�s how I got started with the HIV/AIDS business,� Dr. Richards recalled.
Typical Disclaimers from HIV Test Manufacturers
"EIA testing alone cannot be used to diagnose AIDS, even if the recommended investigation of reactive specimens suggests a high probability that the antibody to HIV-1 is present. [...] At present there is no recognized standard for establishing the presence and absence of HIV-1 antibody in human blood. Therefore sensitivity was computed based on the clinical diagnosis of AIDS and specificity based on random donors"1
"Do not use this kit as the sole basis of diagnosing HIV-1 infection"2
"The Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor test is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV infection"3
1. Abbott Laboratories, Diagnostic Division, 66-8805/R5; January, 1997
2. HIV-1 Western Blot Kit, Epitope, Inc., Organon Teknika Corporation PN201-3039 Revision #8
3. Roche Diagnostic Systems, Inc., Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor Test Kit. US:83088. June 1996)(13-06-83088-001
Always read the package inserts!
"The scientific information tells us that a person who reacts as positive in the tests for HIV does not mean that he or she is infected with HIV at all. Furthermore, the pharmaceutical companies that make and commercialize the kits for these tests know the inaccuracy of them, and this is why in the inserts that come with the kits they typically write the following:
�Elisa testing alone cannot be used to diagnose AIDS, even if the recommended investigation of reactive specimens suggests a high probability that the antibody to HIV 1 is present� Abbott Laboratories, 1994, 66-2333/R4.
The insert for one of the kits for administering the Western Blot warns �Do not use this kit as the sole basis of diagnosis of HIV-1 infection�, Epitope/Organon Teknika
Corporation, PN201-3039 Revision # 6. The insert that comes with a popular kit to run viral load warns �The Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor test is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV infection�, Roche Diagnostic Systems, 06/96, 13-08-83088-001.
The problem is that many do not read this kind of documents. Most AIDS researchers, health care workers, journalists, and lay people do not know these facts about the tests themselves. They have not been informed about this."
- Roberto A. Giraldo, MD, IMS, MSc (CTM) Independent AIDS Researcher
 comic by Cris Hammond
Smart HIV test is dumb after all
By Steven Ransom Credence Publications
World Diagnostics Inc. concedes weaknesses in its latest HIV �smart test�. Dr Muy, the Technical Affairs Vice President of WDI, admitted the possibility of false positives, stating ��the disclaimer "false positive" means that this rapid device - as any other rapid device in the market - might show a positive result on certain samples coming from patients with other diseases, i.e, auto-immune diseases, or with high amounts of non-specific antibodies as happens in some diseases.� When asked how anyone could accurately and with full peace of mind pronounce a HIV positive status upon anybody. Dr Muy replied: �Regarding your question, I personally would not be satisfied with a rapid test nor with an ELISA test; that comes to a matter of ethics.�
~ as an introduction ~
By Neville Hodgkinson
The Sunday Times (London) 1 Aug. 1993
Historic moment for truth about "HIV" in the media.
AIDS: Words from the Front
By Celia Farber
Spin Nov. 1993
With the first HIV test in 1985, doctors thought they had discovered an absolute oracle: Will the patient live or die? Celia Farber reports on a recent, controversial paper that says the so-called AIDS test is too flawed to be reliable. (The article Farber reviews can be found below.)
HIV-positive people are some of the most poked, prodded, tested and measured in the world. Yet, surprisingly enough, most of the tests and measurements are not nearly as accurate as is generally stated. This document from the Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society describes each of the tests used to diagnose or monitor HIV status followed be long lists of quotes from scientific journals. From these quotes you will learn that 20 million HIV tests resulted in over 20,000 positive tests - but only 112 were true positives! You will learn that mice and human placentas can be HIV-positive - without exposure to HIV! You will learn that there is no 'Gold Standard' against which the tests can be tested. Validation is performed by comparing each test against the others, like a tiger chasing its tail, with no obvious beginning or end.
~ no isolation, no "gold standard" ~
In an editorial for the journal Haematologica Dr. Etienne de Harven comments on the fundamental failure of HIV research:
"... the specificity of viral markers depends on the success of virus isolation and purification. Without fully demonstrated success in virus isolation and purification, identification of viral markers is extremely hazardous and can lead to severe misinterpretation of clinical data. A dramatic illustration of this is to be found in current HIV research. In this case, the virus (HIV) has never been properly isolated, since sedimentation in sucrose gradient at the density of 1.16 g/mL was erroneously considered to yield pure virus, systematically ignoring that material sedimenting at that density contains large amounts of cell debris and microvesicles. Therefore, proteins and nucleic acids found in such 1.16 bands are very likely to be of cellular origin and cannot be used as viral markers. Such a faulty methodology has had extremely serious consequences, i.e. the world-wide use of HIV-antibody tests, Elisa and Western Blot, which dangerously lack specificity, as demonstrated in 1993 by Papadopulos et al., in Australia." Viral etiology of human cancer: a historical perspective
Etienne de Harven, MD
Professor Emeritus of Pathology,
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Haematologica - Journal of Hematology
1999; 84:385-389
U.K.'s Channel 4 News commissioned a 1998 World AIDS Day News Report from Meditel, on HIV testing and the Perth Group. Channel 4 News supervised 4 drafts of the script and approved a press release and broadcast date. Interviews were taped, and the news feature was edited at Channel 4 News, including an interview with a young gay man who had contradictory test results at London teaching hospitals. On Thursday 26th November, the commissioned report was banned by Channel 4 News Editor Jim Gray.
12th World AIDS Conference Official Satelite Meeting
Geneva, June 28th 1998
Presentation by Eleni Papadopulos et al.
Department of Medical Physics,
Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia
None of the so-called "HIV-markers", biomedical or genetic, seen in human subjects labelled "HIV positive" and/or having "AIDS" has been known to be specific for "HIV".
By Huw Christie, CONTINUUM, Winter 1998
A blood-curdling interview with Dr. Valendar F. Turner
This interview is highly recommended reading. It is a clear, not-too-technical discussion of the Perth Group's ideas about HIV testing. It also ties in the importance of the HIV isolation issue.
(The graph below is the one refered to in this article.)
HIV test results vary depending on where you live. In the U.S., Canada, most of Europe but not in England or Wales, the Western Blot test confirms ELISA tests. Dr. Valendar Turner explains how HIV antibody test results can be interpreted very differently by nine different international standards. For instance it is possible for any person to be any of the following on a single test result: positive in Australia, but not in France; positive in France, but not in Australia (for different reasons); positive in Africa and not positive everywhere else in the world. A Martian might be forgiven for wondering whether wine tasting was less subjective (Turner, 1995). See detailed annotated version of the HIV Western Blot table: ( pdf file ).
Why not test everyone for HIV infection? Because all screening tests have a property known as positive predictive value -- the probability that a positive test result is truly positive. As state and provincial health authorities mandate HIV tests as part of routine prenatal testing for all pregnant women they violate the basic principal. AmFAR explains.
by Christine Johnson, Zenger's August 1996
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the sale of HIV antibody test kits for home use. Since anyone will soon be able to walk into a drug store and buy one of these kits, it is inevitable that the kits will also be used by thousands, or even millions, of people who are not at risk for AIDS. Sometimes referred to as the "worried well", these people have something else to worry about: Baye's Law. Baye's Law is simply a principle of statistical analysis that states the following: When you use a test in a population with a very low incidence of the disease you are testing for, you will get huge numbers of false-positives. This is true for any test for any disease.
Even when the AIDS orthodoxy admit the cold figures and hard facts their interpretation is delusional. This page from AIDS UPDATE 1999 is a perfect example.
This article is a classic. We can't say we weren't warned!
In 1993, the widely accepted ideas that a positive test for HIV-antibodies is specific (i.e. means HIV-infection) and that HIV exists as an exogenous retrovirus were challenged by Papadopulos-Eleopulos et al. (Perth Group). At present, it is still accepted in mainstream AIDS-science that existence of HIV and high specificity of HIV-antibody tests are ultimately proven scientific facts.
Besides conformity of thinking and vested interests, this belief is maintained due to the absence of clear-cut alternative explanations for the phenomena which are thought to prove the HIV-causes-AIDS theory. Some important questions have not been answered. If HIV does not exist, what causes a positive test for HIV-antibodies? Why are almost all AIDS-patients seropositive while almost all healthy individuals are not? Why is the positive test strongly associated with high mortality and susceptibility to opportunistic infections?
Compiled by Christine Johnson Continuum Magazine Vol 4 No 3
The AIDS establishment has managed to convince many people that the HIV antibody tests (ELISA, IFA and Western Blot) are "99.5% accurate". In this article, Christine Johnson, from HEAL Los Angeles, lists more than 60 conditions documented in the scientific literature known to cause positives on these tests, and gives her references.
Although patients with alcoholic liver disease do not develop KS, PCP and other AIDS indicator diseases more often than usual, they have both immune deficiency and positive HIV antibody tests leading researchers from the Veterans Administration Medical Centre to stress the importance of recognising these facts: "...lest these patients be falsely labelled as having infection with the AIDS virus and suffer the socioeconomic consequences of this diagnosis" (Mendenhall et al., 1986).
HIV positive - but how?
With all the talk of the inaccuracy of the "HIV test", what does it really mean to test "positive? This discussion focuses on the "Oxidative Stress" theory, which helps explain why there may be a loose correlation between "HIV+" and some people who get sick.
Medical researcher Roberto A. Giraldo, MD is obtaining astonishing results.
~ the Perth Group ~ "Antibodies produced as a result of infection with two germs [mycobacteria and yeast] that infect 90% of AIDS patients react with all the 'HIV' proteins."
- Eleni Eleopulos. AIDS Researcher, Royal Perth Hospital, WA
Eleni Papadopulos Ph.D. is a Professor of Medical Physics at Royal Perth Hospital, a teaching hospital at the University of Western Australia.
E. Papadopulos-Eleopulos (1) V.F. Turner (2) and J.M. Papadimitriou (3)
Res. Immunol. 1992, 143, 145-148
(1) Department of Medical Physics, (2) Emergency Department and (3) Department of Pathology, (University of Western Australia), Royal Perth Hospital, Wellington St., Perth 6001 (Western Australia)
Papadopulos-Eleopulos et al give a summary of their hypothesis that oxidative stress as a principal mechanism in both the development of AIDS and expression of "HIV". According to their theory an "HIV" antibody positive test result, in the absense of clinical symptoms, is only a marker for a possible risk of AIDS and not an indication of infection with an "AIDS virus". One of the reasons that most people diagnosed with AIDS are "HIV" positive is because they are highly oxidized. (Another reason for this strong correlation is most AIDS definitions exclude an HIV-negative-AIDS diagnosis by definition.)
By Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Valendar F. Turner and John M. Papadimitriou
The "AIDS test" is invalid and incapable of determining whether people are really infected with HIV, according to this report by a team of Australian scientists who have conducted the first extensive review of research surrounding the test. Earth shattering, long and necessarily technical article.
Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Valendar F.Turner,
John M Papadimitriou, Gordon Stewart, and David Causer
Current Medical Research and Opinion Vol. 13: 627-634, 1997
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