Apnea and natural healing is very difficult. First I would explore homeoapthy. Homeoapthy could reduce inflammation permanently if that is the issue. I would not rely on herbs to do the work in lue of using a b-pap breathing machine. Apnea can be life threatening with either immediate death or deterioration of mental faculty due to lack of oxygen. If the herbs work, great, but if you miss a dose or two you could be in trouble... it would largely depend on how diligent and proactive your friend is.
Removing the tonsils would not be the end of the world and may work or not. It the tonsils are extra large their removal may open up the throat a bit to facilitate air passage.
My husband has a mild case and right now the cure is a kick in the ribs from his wife who sleeps very lightly and hears when he starts missing his breaths.. Almost everyone in his family has ended up on a bipap machine after the age of 65. I think I might have to invent a throat speculum.
Weight loss is the number one cure if your friend should be over weight.
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius