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� #1
Old 03-26-2013, 03:38 AM
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: england
Posts: 75
kal-el is on a distinguished road

good good keep it up , itis a bit habit forming isnt it , i think it does stay in your system for a long while after you finish im not 100 percent sure tho , read alot of things on curezone that might help you to read other peoples progress , like i type in google for example joint aches humaworm and usually theres a few people that have asked the maker this and theres responses from him and others - just for piece of mind as it be expected but shouldnt be too bad .

pumpkin seeds are preety good there is a quick flush where you mix 200g pumpkin seeds with honey and live bio yoghurt in a blender then few hours later take some castor oil and you'll flush them before they get broke down by your liver , havent tried this yet but the seeds are ment to paralyze the para's and save some discomfort .
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