� #1
Old 03-28-2013, 02:16 AM
Join Date: Feb 2013
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Question Silver Flakes in BM

So not long ago, I went to the E.R. for abdominal pains and was very honest with the doctor and nurses. Mainly about my alcohol intake (one a day on most cases, but sometimes 2) which when I say one... I mean a 40 o.z.

Which when they heard that, they said I was having something related to my gas or something and it was alcohol related. Recently though I have been noticing silver looking flakes / spots in my BM.

When trying to look this up online, I mainly found weird Yahoo Answers as people joke and asking if they are a unicorn or if they should stop eating glitter? Well refining my search a little... I find something I read about before... which was Candida. Which one person who did a few different types of enimas even showed pictures of there BM which you could see shiny silver like flakes in them.

I called my local 'stop in' doctor place and asked if they tested for it. At first they didn't know what I was talking about (not even the nurse), but when I said it might be a overgrowth of yeast... they said Sure! (with enthusiasm). So I am unsure if they really can perform this test, or if they are only wanting to make a little extra money (I am a paranoid type person).

So I am hoping someone here can share advice or may have experienced the same thing. It is like I said... I think in the e.r. I got basically passed on as an alcoholic... although I do not drink to get drunk, but I do like my beer a day. Which I also noticed in symptoms for Candida, a strong craving for sweets or alcohol.

Thank you for your time for reading this and anyone who may be able to share anything.
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� #2
Old 03-28-2013, 10:55 AM
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Silver in the stools can be a sign of blood and undigested fat due to pancreas problems, some of which can be serious. I would suggest you get checked out by a gastroenterologist.

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� #3
Old 03-28-2013, 11:02 AM
Join Date: Feb 2013
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dashawnbob is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by liverock View Post
Silver in the stools can be a sign of blood and undigested fat due to pancreas problems, some of which can be serious. I would suggest you get checked out by a gastroenterologist.
Thanks a-lot. Will be sure to speak to my doctor next time I go in... see if I can get them to referr me to a "gastroenterologist".

After visiting that link, let me add... the overall color seems normal... sometimes light brown to dark brown. Depending on what and how much I ate the day before. I will speak to a doctor about it, but it seems very similar to something I saw on-line after a person did three enemas.


Kind of looks like that, but mine is a little sparkler when I shine light on it. That link does have a pic, so do not visit if you have a weak stomach.
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� #4
Old 04-01-2013, 05:16 AM
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If you think it is related to a yeast infection, I would drastically reduce your refined sugar and carb intake. Since yeasts cause an addiction to these things, and beer won't help this either so I would cut down on this too! if this is going to be an issue , could you switch to spirits? it may help!
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� #5
Old 04-01-2013, 05:32 AM
Join Date: Feb 2013
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dashawnbob is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by lily0 View Post
If you think it is related to a yeast infection, I would drastically reduce your refined sugar and carb intake. Since yeasts cause an addiction to these things, and beer won't help this either so I would cut down on this too! if this is going to be an issue , could you switch to spirits? it may help!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Ehh, switching to spirits... I think I am just going to take a break for a while and see if it clears up / changes... until I can get into see the doctor. Will also try reducing refined sugar / carb intake for the time being.
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