Hi. I have a concern and question. Does anyone know what causes mouth ulcers? I have had them on and off since I was a little girl. I am 28 now. It seems like the last year I get them way more often than I used to. Currently I have about 4-5 in the back of my mouth right at my throat.
I went to the doctor the last time I had them (that time I had over 20 small ones) on the roof of my mouth and in my throat. The doctor said it was viral pharyngitis (sp?) and gave me meds. When those didn't clear up he gave me Valtrex. I wonder why I was prescribed that? He has never tested me for HSV, I believe that's what it's called, and I know what Valtrex is for. He also gave me "magic mouthwash" to help with the pain. Those lasted about a week and a half.
This was about 2 months ago and now I have them (not as many) again, not in the same spot. I have had drainage for about 3 weeks now and just bought OTC Nyquil for cold hoping that would help.
I know this is long and you cannot diagnose over the internet but if you have ANY ideas or solutions as to what could be causing this I would greatly appreciate them. Thank you so much.
I agree with Saved, I've heard that those suffering from things like acid reflux often have mouth ulcers or canker sores. An extract of the herb Myrrh has been used as a treatment for mouth ulcers, it's antiseptic and an astringent. A few drops mixed with tepid water is used as a mouthwash. Here's an older suggestion from Nightowl, regarding the use/deficiency of vitamin B-12.
Yes, mms can take care of some cases pretty fast. I had a mouth ulcer a while back and the mms didnt work too well and on day 6 of treatment I was quite frustrated. I was visiting my son who has had this plague since he was 3 years old on and off. He advised me to use grapefruit seed extract.. just the smallest dab on exact spot. It worked better than the mms.
although acidic foods may bring this situation to surface I do not see it as the cause. There is a microbe involved that is in the system. Acidic foods did not bring it to surface at all times with my son, but sometimes it did.
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....It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness, that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.
I've recently started brushing my teeth with xylitol. I have mixed it 50/50 with baking soda, which is what I was using most of the time before.
Dr Jonathan Wright sent out a rather large article on the benefits of xylitol for oral health. He said it is best to apply it three times a day, either in a toothpaste, xylitol gum or some other form.
Cant say if it will prevent oral ulcers though. He talks mostly about cavities and plaque build up.
I've recently started brushing my teeth with xylitol. I have mixed it 50/50 with baking soda, which is what I was using most of the time before.
Excellent. Did you bind/combine it with coconut oil? Try that. The oil contains antimicrobial capability. Sometimes, I just use baking soda and coconut oil.
- Jim
�Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.� Sir Winston Churchill
I usually get them under my tongue when eating certain foods. It's an allergic reaction to chemical additives. The three things that have helped me are probiotic bacteria, food enzymes, and avoiding those foods that are identified as antagonistic.
Excellent. Did you bind/combine it with coconut oil? Try that. The oil contains antimicrobial capability. Sometimes, I just use baking soda and coconut oil.
I eat coconut oil on its own 1 to 2 times a day as it is... sounds to messy to put it with what Im doing now.