Understanding and treating gout effectively and inexpensively
Gout involves growth of needlelike sodium urate crystals in the joints, which cause severe swelling, redness, heat and excruciating pain. Like type II diabetes, gout has a genetic component but usually appears in middle age.
Although most texts cite uric acid as the culprit, only 10% of the people with hyperuricemia ever develop gout. For example people with rheumatoid arthritis or cancer may have uric acid>11 and never develop gout, while people with gout may experience an attack even after months of having uric acid<8.
The main cause of gout is the fact that men and menopausal women accumulate iron and molybdenum with age at the same time that copper retention decreases as testosterone or estrogen wane and as vit D production wanes, Mg stores drop. Accoringly, (Fe+Mo)/(Cu+Mg) decreases with age, until gout appears.
Excess Fe and Mo can be easily eliminated through blood donation until ferritin is below 58 and then perirodic doantion (one or twice a year) to maintain 35<ferritin<58. Cu and Mg levels can be correted by taking 2 mg/d copper, 800 IU/d vit D and 150 mg Mg (as citrate).
Reducing the intake of Fe and Mo rich foods (organ meat, beef, venison, oysters, clams, dark meat fishes, etc) and of alcohol (which enhances iron uptake and reduces urate solubility and elimination) and increasing the intake of Fe poor foods such as dairy, vegetables (especially beets, green beens, etc,) can also help, especially while ferritin falls to the suggested level and Cu and Mg are replenished.
If there are gout attacks while the excesses and deficiencies are being corrected, drinking a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water before each bath and taking 2 hot brine baths per day (6 lbs or 2.5 kg salt in a standard size tub for a half hour) can quickly reduce the swelling and pain.
Like type II diabetes, gout has a genetic component but usually appears in middle age.
Gout is not genetic, and neither is type 2 diabetes. That is a myth.
The main cause of gout is the fact that men and menopausal women accumulate iron and molybdenum with age at the same time that copper retention decreases
Gout is not caused by excess iron or molybdenum, nor by lack of copper. Gout is not produced by the body, it is caused by specific varieties of fungi, that grow within the body, and excreet mycotoxins into the blood.
These yeast multiply for years or decades within the moist, dark, 98.6 degree temperature, which is a perfect breeding ground for them to grow. They feed on refined sugars, grains, and alcohol, while eliminating very powerful poisons, and these poisons are responsible for several health conditions including gout.
The real question should be what causes the yeast overgrowth in the first place?
I have cured dozens of people by having them donate blood and take copper, Mg, etc,
All the males in both sides of my family developed gout around age 40. I never did because I started donating and taking Cu before the fisrt attack.
If it were a fungus it would affect people of all ages, diets and sexes and it is rather absurd to assert that a fungus causes it by growing somewhere and secreting some toxins, without naming the fungus, the place where it grows and the toxins it produces. There are 3 lab tests that confirm fungus growth, name them if you are so knowledgeable about fungi and tell me which ones you used to reach your conclusions.
By the way fungi love iron and some fungicides contain copper and I have found that people with nail fungus often have high ferritin.
People with relatives with gout, diabetes type II, rheumatoid arthritis and many other diseases are at higher risk of developing these diseases. That is not a myth, but sound statistics.
I don't want to hijack this thread, so I'll just post this new report from Dr Sircus regarding death by fungi. It is old info to me, but if there is interest we can take it elsewhere. It merely confirms that fungi can indeed be a cause of numerous diseases. https://drsircus.com/medicine/cancer/death-by-fungi
- Jim
�Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.� Sir Winston Churchill
Thanks for the link.
The link decepfully mentions Nature, a reliable journal initially, whose article talks about fungi starving people by destroying crops and then jumps to weird sources with completely incoherent conclusions about human diseases
For example it states how a doctor saw 3 cases of Leukemia (no mention of what kind) go into remission after treating the secondary fungus infections with antifungals. Children cancers, including some leukemias have by far the highest rates of spontaneous remission. Many children with leukemia also develop non fungal infections, are we to conclude that these leukemias are caused by the other infections as well. This is like when a person trips seconds after walking under a ladder and concludes that it is bad luck to walk under a ladder.
Science is built on cause and effect not in making incoherent conexions between unrelated events (superstition).
You talk about some fungus, living somewhere, secreting some toxins. I present this long known, easily demonstrable biochemical facts:
Iron and molybdenum activate xanthine oxidase, the enzyme that makes uric acid. Copper deactivates it. Iron nucleates crystalization of uric acid crystals, copper inhibits it. Macrophages have a copper enzyme called uricase, which dissolves tiny uric acid crystals, preventing their growth. Iron damages the kidneys reducing uric acid elimination, Copper increases uric acid elimination in urine.
Iron and molybdenum accumulate with age in men, while copper half life in the body drops as testosterone levels drop with age.
Excess iron and molybdenum can be eliminated at no cost and helping people by donating blood until 35<ferritin<58 and copper deficiency can be corrected by taking 2 mg/d of copper (less than a penny's worth). By eliminating the excess iron, oxidative damage, risk of diabetes, cancer, hypertension, ets is reduced. By taking 2 mg/d copper not only are uric acid levels reduced by also homocysteine, superoxide and histamine levels are reduced (copper enzymes elimintate these toxins produced by our bodies). Moreover, the risk of aneurysms, bleeds, collagen degeneration, etc, is reduced by ensuring adequate levels of lysyl oxidase, the enzyme that repairs blood vessels, etc,). Finalyy, adequate copper levels ensure adequate production of dopamine, which decreases with age as copper deficiency progresses.
Whis one seems more sound to you?
Nevertheless, as I mentioned, fungi love iron and some are averse to copper. Therefore, it may be that the imbalance that I know to exist in people with gout and whose correction resolves gout, may also contribute to fungal problems. Since gout resolves when the imbalance is corrected, it may well be that in some cases a fungal problem also resolves.
I have cured dozens of people by having them donate blood and take copper, Mg, etc,
All the males in both sides of my family developed gout around age 40. I never did because I started donating and taking Cu before the fisrt attack.
If it were a fungus it would affect people of all ages, diets and sexes and it is rather absurd to assert that a fungus causes it by growing somewhere and secreting some toxins, without naming the fungus, the place where it grows and the toxins it produces. There are 3 lab tests that confirm fungus growth, name them if you are so knowledgeable about fungi and tell me which ones you used to reach your conclusions.
By the way fungi love iron and some fungicides contain copper and I have found that people with nail fungus often have high ferritin.
People with relatives with gout, diabetes type II, rheumatoid arthritis and many other diseases are at higher risk of developing these diseases. That is not a myth, but sound statistics.
First, I do not doubt that excessive iron causes health issues, however, you don't have proof that iron causes gout any more than I have proof that mycotoxins cause gout... and just for your information, the fungus is called candida albicans. There are several other varieties but candida seems to be the most aggressive and excreet some of the most toxic poisons.
I do know that copper sulfate is sprayed on crops as an antifungal, which seems to support the theory that supplementing with copper sulfate helps get rid of gout... its anti-fungal.
I don't know how excess iron affects gout, however, I can tell you this...if your iron level is high its going to cause several health issues much more serious than gout.
On a final note, don't attack my theory on fungus causing gout unless you can prove its caused by iron or something else. That is science, not superstition...and if I am not mistaken, it was you who claimed ionic silver and colloidal silver were both toxic...when in fact, in normal doses, silver is not toxic and even says so in that poor wiki link you posted.
I am open minded, if I wasn't I would believe gout to be caused by purines like mainstream medicine would have most people believe. I know better than that. I also know that celery seed extract, a very powerful anti-fungal, eliminates gout. According to your theory, celery seed extract must eliminate excess iron(?)
I have prooved gout is caused by high (Fe+Mo)/Cu by the enzyme biochemistry already described and by curing gout through blood donation until ferritin reaches optimum levels, while taking Cu numerous times (it never fails).
However, I already wrote twice that the same excess Fe/Cu may contribute to fungus infection.
Interestingly, fungi need and can deplete thiamine (vit B1), which is necessary for proper insulin function (which is also impaired by excess Fe). Therefore fungi can raise glucose levels and benefit from them, causing a downward spiral that contributes to diabetes, hypertension, obesity (the metabolic syndrome). Fungi thrive at mildly acidic pH and hate alkalinity, so the sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water that I suggest before the brine baths to slightly alkalinize blood and the gut and boost glomerular filtration rate can also help to thwart fungi.
Celery seed is an antiinflammatory, contains Cu and enhances urate elimnation in urine, and it ameliorates gout, but if you stop taking it you get another attack. If it were killing the fungi and they were the cause, then once you eliminate them you wouldn't get another gout attack.
I am not only telling you that Fe is the culprit, I am telling you that as long as you keep 35<uric acid<58 and take 2 mg Cu you will not have a gout attack.
As you said excess Fe causes many problems, why not give its elimination priority? Otherwise, assuming fungi are a mayor factor, as long as you have high Fe/Cu, you will continue to develop fungus overgrowth, excess oxidative damage, hyperuricemia, hypertension, etc,
Candida albicans is easily kept in check in the gut and vagina by ensuring adequate lactobacillus populations, whose fungicides and lactic acid (most fungi thrive at 5.2<pH<7.3 but stop reproducing or die below or above this pH range) are extremely efficient.
Interestingly, either excess or deficient Fe contribute to fungus and bacterial growth. Excess Fe by inducing insulin resistance and fungus and bacterial reproduction and causing oxidative damage, inflammation, etc, that hamper the immune system. Low Fe by causing anemia (causing oxygen deficit), low histamine, myeloperoxidase, etc, greatly reducing the effectiveness of the immune system. That's one of the reasons why it is important to keep 35<ferritin<58, so it is a good idea for everybody to check their ferritin, but especially for people who never donate or for frequent donors or people with internal bleeding, heavy menstrual losses, etc,
As an example of the importance of avoiding excess Fe.
If a person with ferritin within my range and 70<serum Fe<120 eats a raw oyster, he will never die from or even experience a mild infection by Vibrio vulnificus. In contrast if a person with ferritin>500 and serum Fe>180 eats a raw oyster and it contains V. vulnificus (by far most do), the risk of a major infection and death is quite high.
Fungi thrive at mildly acidic pH and hate alkalinity, so the sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water that I suggest before the brine baths to slightly alkalinize blood and the gut and boost glomerular filtration rate can also help to thwart fungi.
Oh dear. I must disagree in regards to candida albicans. They can thrive in both pH, however they are kept in the yeast bud state while in a slightly acid environment and morph into the aggressive fungal state (hyphal) in slightly alkaline environment. I had a pubmed study, but will take some time to find it again. They perhaps can be killed with high alkaline only due to osmotic shock. Otherwise there are a number of acids that can kill them readily, such as caprylic acid and especially undecylenic acid. The common practice is to eat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil daily to inhibit the fungi. Coconut oil has 8 acids. They are kept in check very well by the natural produce of lactic acid by friendly bacteria species that produce such, so it is best to keep the probiotic colonies healthy. Candida are dimorphic. They can be morphed back into the yeast state from fungi by decreasing the pH.
Oh dear. I must disagree in regards to candida albicans. They can thrive in both pH, however they are kept in the yeast bud state while in a slightly acid environment and morph into the aggressive fungal state (hyphal) in slightly alkaline environment. I had a pubmed study, but will take some time to find it again. They perhaps can be killed with high alkaline only due to osmotic shock. Otherwise there are a number of acids that can kill them readily, such as caprylic acid and especially undecylenic acid. The common practice is to eat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil daily to inhibit the fungi. Coconut oil has 8 acids. They are kept in check very well by the natural produce of lactic acid by friendly bacteria species that produce such, so it is best to keep the probiotic colonies healthy. Candida are dimorphic. They can be morphed back into the yeast state from fungi by decreasing the pH.
You're talking in vitro, I'm talking in the real world, where the immune system reaction is highly dependant on pH.
This document uses testing within the oral cavity. This might be considered in vitro since it is not far into the body, but such testing provides the confidence that acids do inhibit candida. It correlates with in vivo. This is enough confidence to alternative and complementary world that they are willing to accept and therefor provide anecdotal evidence. Enough for naturopathic doctors to provide therapy. One can say the same thing of the hypothesis that MMS can react the same within the body, which has numerous obstacles, as outside of the body. It is generally understood that chlorine dioxide effects an ion transfer from donors which then "explode" destroying the molecule at the same time as destroying the chlorine dioxide. Enough confidence that the MMS protocol will not allow a pathogen to become resistant. That's enough for experimentation.
We assessed anti-C. albicans activities of the 4 fatty acids : caproic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid and lauric acid in vitro. All four inhibited not only the mycelial but also the yeast-form growth of Candida albicans. In particular, capric acid and caprylic acid inhibited Candida mycelia growth at very low concentrations. The effects of treatment of these two fatty acids on oral candidiasis were examined using a murine model. When 50 �l of capric acid (more than 48.8 �M) was administered three times into the oral cavity of Candida-infected mice, symptom scores of tongues of the mice were significantly improved. Histological studies of the capric acid-treated animals indicated that the fatty acid suppressed mycelial growth of the fungus on the tongue surface. These results suggest that all four fatty acids, and especially capric acid, have potential as substances supporting anti-Candida treatment.
I meant the effect of pH in vitro Vs. in vivo, which is what you considered wrong in my stated. Not the effect of coconut oils, which I never mentioned.
By the way these oils also kill some protozoa (Entamoeba h., etc,) and lauric acid releases bound thyroid hormone, boosting its function.
I have cured dozens of people by having them donate blood and take copper, Mg, etc,
All the males in both sides of my family developed gout around age 40. I never did because I started donating and taking Cu before the fisrt attack.
If it were a fungus it would affect people of all ages, diets and sexes and it is rather absurd to assert that a fungus causes it by growing somewhere and secreting some toxins, without naming the fungus, the place where it grows and the toxins it produces. There are 3 lab tests that confirm fungus growth, name them if you are so knowledgeable about fungi and tell me which ones you used to reach your conclusions.
By the way fungi love iron and some fungicides contain copper and I have found that people with nail fungus often have high ferritin.
The fungi/gout relationship may still exist, if it is the copper that makes things better. Copper is critical for enzymes that produce energy in the electron transport system of the mitochondria. This system favors what is called aerobic or oxygen-based metabolism, which is the normal metabolism of human beings. Yeast, by contrast, flourishes in an anerobic environment. This is a different type of metabolism in which the mitochondria use sugar as fuel and less oxygen.
That's right, in people with High Fe/Cu oxidative phophorylation is deficient and in people with very Fe and anemia it is also deficient owing to low oxygen levels and low heme enzymes, etc,
The low pH around cancer cells causes the oxygen to detach from hemoglobin, so the surrounding tissues are starved of oxygen and the fermenting cancer cells thrive. Fishes release lactic acid when they want to fill their swimming bladders with oxygen to gain buoyancy.
Fungi, many bacteria and many cancer cells thrive in anaerobic conditions.
Potassium dichloroacetate induces oxidative phophorylation and blocks fermentation, but most doctors would never use it. It's too cheap, effective and safe, much too good to be true.
Originally there was little oxygen in air and the oceans were acidic and contained a lot of Fe and almost no Cu. Cyanobacteria produced a lot of oxygen using solar energy and the oceans became slightly alkaline, causing iron precipitation. This produced red layers of iron oxide that are mined today to produce steel.
Anaerobic organisms developed in that primitive, acidic water, with lots of Fe and little Cu and oxygen. Eventually, when the oxygen, pH and Cu increased and Fe dropped. Aerobic bacteria appeared. One of those aerobic bacteria entered a large fermenting cell that was fairing poorly in the oxigen rich world and established itself there, becoming a mitochondrion. The bacterium benefited from protection and could consume the products of fermentation and the oxygen and Cu that harmed the large cell and turn them into energy (ATP), CO2 and water. In time, genes from the mitochondrion moved to the nucleus and both organisms became a single, advanced cell.
That is how ancient and important an adequate Fe/Cu is. Unfortunately, medicine plays little attention to it.
I want to make clear that I am not discarding Candida as contributing to gout and metabolic syndrome and that I know science is not made by consensus. Yet searching for the words gout and candidiasis in pubmed only 5 articles appeared, one from 2010 mentioned common diseases in Pacific islanders in New Zealand and the others from 1984 and older.
In contrast, searching for the words gout and iron, 43 articles appeared.
Searching for candidiasis and iron, 127 articles appeared.