There is no product to oxygenate the blood like oxygen!
I strongly recommend it. Do a search on EWOT.
other than that mms will kill pathogens that may be living on redblood cells and impairing there function. An mms cleanase my be helpful.
And green drinks and anything to promote the formation of red blood cells will help including red meat and exercising at high altitudes which stimulates the formation of red blood cells. If your RBCs are limited in number or capacity your ability to carry oxygen is limited accordingly.
Exercising at 9000 feet and living at 7000 feet is where it is at.
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius
You're spending a lot of money on a product which claims to have oxygen-ions (O2) as an ingredient. O2 should not last very long; especially not in heat such as a mail delivery truck. You should probably find out how they do this. Is it a chemical reaction when the ingredients react with liquid? Are you just buying magnesium? It doesn't seem harmful; but it may just be hype.
- Jim
�Look! Out the window! There is a flying cow!� St.Thomas Aquinas looked, and they all burst into laughter. He calmly replied, �I would rather believe that the cow is flying than that my friends would lie to me!�
I have followed the Bob Beck protocol for about a year and use ozone 3 times a day. The effect is pretty much instant and lasts for about 20 minutes as ozone is absorbed into the blood stream from under the tongue.
Small ozone generators are readily available although I have been impressed by the quality of Sota Instrument's products. I pass the generated ozone through a glass of water for 2 minutes and drink straight away. The machine produces a strong smell of ozone and I have noticed no ill effects from inhalling the product, however I usually leave the outside door open when running the machine, just in case.
pot bellied breathing, or ashtanga yoga, and no smoking. i used to talk to my blood cells, i know it sounds funny, but i envisioned them as little people, carrying oxygen and stuff around my body, and in ashtanga meditation i used to liven them up by sending gratitute for what they're all hands and feet warmed up. it actually worked!
Chlorophyll rich foods or supplements for alkalinity and oxygenation
Hello folks,
I have a deep and fundamental trust in following natural bodily processes in order to assist the body in doing what it does. I realize that sounds a bit obvious, but the massive usage of synthesized chemicals in American society indicates that it's still very common.
For oxygenation, the first step is simply to make a habit of breathing fully and completely. Additional practice of deep breathing helps tremendously, but first just pay attention to your breathing habits. Lots of people have made a lifetime habit of breathing shallowly. Start simple: every day when you wake up, before you go to bed and while driving or walking, take ten long, slow, deep breaths.
After a while, you'll get into the habit of breathing fully.
As far as extra support, I am a huge believer in chlorophyll rich foods or chlorophyll supplements for oxygenation. ChlorOxygen by Herbs, etc. is fantastic. It builds the blood and naturally oxygenates it. This will improve lung function (blood pumps out of the heart and into the lungs, gets oxygenated, then delivers oxygen to all the other cells, organs, etc.) By eating chlorophyll rich foods (primarily leafy greens), you improve the health of your entire body.
In my experience as a nutritionist, I have seen many people benefit tremendously by the Chloroxygen chlorophyll product. They derive their chlorophyll from the stinging nettle plat (urtica dioica), well known to be of tremendous benefit in relieving allergies and prostate problems. This product is fantastic as a long-term resolution to chronic allergies.
This sounds good, but you have to find a doctor to perscribe you oxygen and buy tanks, mask, etc., this sounds a little expensive if you can find a doctor that will do that.
Didn't I read that you used ozone machines? Did/do you drink ozonated water? Did/do you notice anything? And what machine(s) have you used and can you recommend one that's affordable?
Basically, the body's ability to transfer oxygen from the lungs to the cells is perhaps the most significant factor in whether you live a healthy life or not. This transfer mechanism becomes damaged with age, and then susceptibility to illness increases. However, EWOT aids the body in repairing this vital mechanism.