I've been going through a long and winding road over the last year. Somethings have come and gone, but my general health is still not normal and I'd like your thoughts. Thanks in advance for reading.
FYI: I'm a 38 yo male. At the beginning of this story I was on 10mg Crestor to treat cholesterol. My numbers were "managed" to the point that my total cholesterol was around 180, LDL a bit above 100 and my HDL around 37.
Roughly in November of 2008 I went on a walk where I was experiencing excruciating pain (shin splints?). I managed to finish the race although I was one of the last, behind several elderly people. I noticed a large swollen "bump" on my shin. This was later thought to be localized varicose vein by my physician (he did no exams to confirm this). Within weeks after, I start feeling like a "fluid" was randomly flowing through my leg(s) at times, felt a bulge that would "flow" in my abdomen and so on. Also around this time I would have issues with my hearing - I would hear a whooshing sound that went on for days - I was prescribed an antibiotic.
Things went on until May or so of 2009. I was regularly exercising and working out (walks 3 miles/day, significant lawn work). I am thin boned but weigh about 158 and stand 5'7". During the walks, I noticed that my veins were getting more and more pronounced, the varicose veins would not "recede" so it likes a new vein would be surfacing on every strenuous walk, run. Finally one day, I finished a run and my right shoe felt like it was flooded with water. I took off my shoe, my foot looked swollen and I felt it might have been blood pooled into my right foot (same foot where the original "bump" showed up). The "varicose" veins are mostly in my right leg, but some in my left as well. During this time, I would occasionally get a strong dizzy spell - out of the nowhere I'd be standing at the office and get a sudden sensation like I was falling. Then it would recede for a long time. I would also get sudden hot flashes - in an AC room in front of a computer doing no activity.
Fearing injury, I went to see an internist. I told him of all my issues (this led to ultrasounds from a vascular surgeon telling me my veins, valves, were fine and there was no sign of DVT - although I've had symptoms similar a couple of times in a plane) but my internist also asked me to get an ultrasound on my abdomen as I felt like some fluid was retained there at one time (also because my Mom was diagnosed with colorectal cancer recently). Long story short - ultrasound led to 3 CT scans of my chest, abdomen and pelvis (pelvis for the sake of figuring out the issue with my veins). Nothing of significance to note.
I should also mention that I also saw milder issues like very dry skin (to the point of scaly on my legs, a little hair loss (I know I'm 38...), weight gain despite exercise) so I wondered if this could also be due to hypothyroidism. TSH came at 3.3 and my doc thought I was normal for hypothyroid.
As time went on, my dizziness/lightheadedness increased in frequency and duration. It became more and more common - whether I was exercising or not (standing was enough, and eventually even sleeping). July 1st - I went to the ER - feeling short of breath, heaviness in my limbs. Coming from a history of heart problems - I went in. One day later, I was fine (no stroke, no heart attack nothing)- doc told me to stay on Crestor and take aspirin. I left still feeling dizzy/light-headed and a bit weak.
I came to a realization. Right about when my symptoms started increasing in May/June I had run out of my batch of Crestor from India and started my Crestor from the US. I immediately started reducing my dosage, some days were strangely symptomatic, others I was feeling better. However the dizziness remained, weakness was building. I went in circles with a GI doc, ENT and then Ophthalmologist. The GI doc to follow up on my abdomen, the ENT and Opthamologist regarding dizziness. They all recommended that I stay get off Crestor and see what happens - there was nothing in my abdomen that could be discerned by blood test, ENT reported a slight ocular abnormality that was never acknowledged by my Opthamologist. I was fine otherwise.
On July 21st I stopped Crestor altogether after having reduced dosage for a week or two. On August 5th, after a lot of reading, I started 100mg of CoQ10 with Vitamin E. Two days later I started on the Kaneka brand recommended by some and am staying with that for now (I went steadily from 100mg up to 900mg/daily at one point and now at 300mg).
During this time the lightheadedness would ebb and flow but I would have profound fatigue. I would sleep all night and then be more tired during the morning. There were days I could not summon the energy to even drive to work to my desk job.
By August I would start having bouts of blurry vision and sensitivity to bright lights. One day, in attempt to do lawn work with my hedge trimmer, I came inside feeling really winded. So much so that my arms and hands started shaking uncontrollably (twitching is probably a better word). For months, I would have random uncontrollable muscle twitches. At this point, I tried to supplement with magnesium and I was also taking a lot of Gatorade, etc to correct what I thought might have been a electrolyte imbalance. Moreover, I would have some weird neuropathy where portions of my feet would be numb. It was awkward - on hardwood floors sometimes I'd have a harder times "gripping", I would often slip as I don't think my brain and feet were "talking".
My doctor wasn't going anywhere with this, so I kept digging and we would do tests. I checked for Lyme disease and then was thinking of metal toxicity and vitamin deficiency -- finally something -- my Vitamin D was at 16.2 (normal 32-100). I started supplementing heavily and that started to help (to date I take 6000 IUs daily). I also at this time was on several other supplements - 2 tspns Cod Liver Oil, Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid, B vitamins (until I felt that the large doses of B6 were contributing to my muscle twitches), 2g Vitamin C and Magnesium Orotate.
So by the end of 2009, I generally improved. My veins were "stable" - they haven't developed further but do get more prominent with exercise as I'd expect. I was trying to get as much sun as possible despite the season, I also was eating very healthy. By the middle of summer in fact, I was off coffee, sodas and mostly eating fruits, fresh and raw salads when possible and so on. But still my progress was slow and at times stagnant. In October my D level was up to 27 so I thought I'd be in the normal range by now...so didn't know what to think.
I switched doctors a few months ago. He immediately asked me to maintain my levels of D even though he found me at 38 (This was after nearly 6 months of supplmentation!). He also found my TSH at 4.0. I am now on 75mg Synthroid. He found my LDL cholesterol at 205, and Triglycerides at 190 and HDL at 37. He wanted me immediately on Lipitor. I told him I wanted to hold off for a little while to see what I could do with diet. During that visit, he thought my BP was a bit high (I've never had a BP problem until 2009 when it was started to be higher in the ER and a few doctors visits). I'm now apparently consistently around 130/90. The diastolic led to a carotid scan (don't know why - but it's clear) and then an echocardiogram. The echo found mild LVH. The doctor wants me on 25mg of Toprol now. My TSH has now normalized but I'm still on synthroid.
As things stand today, I feel that there is a factor or two that probably started this whole journey and it's cascading through my system and that's what I'm noticing and dealing with. I want to get to the bottom of this instead of taking medicines that I feel have aggravated if not possibly caused the problem (hello Crestor). I am still reluctant to start the Lipitor and Toprol. The toprol perhaps is more logical for my BP. But I also wonder if my hypothroidism is complicating things - it can lead to higher cholesterol numbers (and mine have never been this high).
A couple of weeks ago I started noticing my blood pressure raging, palpitations that I could feel just walking around and so on. I stopped the synthroid for two days to see what would happen - but the palpitations were now there again and stronger, with lightheadedness and shortness of breath. However during this time I was on a very high fiber diet (trying to manage my cholesterol through diet - oatmeal, flaxseed, apples, almonds, exercise and beans) - I was very gassy and I noticed that that might be contributing. I also started taking 4mg of Astaxanthin during this month. Last thing: my last blood test after the one month of the high-fiber diet and astaxanthin actually
increased by LDL from 205 to 221! My triglycerides plummeted to 114 and my HDL improved to 40 (astaxanthin?).
At this point I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of this.
-Do you see any underlying pattern to any of this?
-I just read that B12 deficiencies could be causing these problems as well. I've never been checked for it but I've been taking a mulivitamin for the last few months that has nearly 1600% the RDA for B12. As an aside, I've had white hair just starting to snowball on me for the last 5/6 years. It started slowly but now it's everywhere. I've read this could be due to B12 deficiency?
-Why do I still (even after "resolving" my hypothyroidism) feel dizzy on occasion? Also a B12 side effect?
-Despite a pretty healthy diet (not veggie or vegan however) I am constantly bloated and not regular. Sometimes days between bowel movements. I'm about to go on this colon cleansing program:
https://drnatura.com/colonix_program.php to see if that will help.
-Also I'm going to start Greens Plus soon although I'm taking a lot of supplments as it is to see if that helps. Ever since my first days, I do feel there is something at the "gut level" that is screwing me up - if I can get my pipes cleaned and then look into probiotics and so on, I thought that might help. Any thoughts on that?
-I will make one last point. Back in May 2009 there were a few environmental things that occurred that were brushed off, but wanted to make sure that no one here thought they were of any significance.
-I noticed in our bathroom that it was very "wet". My towels would have a VERY strong moldy smell to the point that to this day I don't let it dry in the bathroom. This might have lasted a week or two before I moved it (don't know what I was thinking).
-We got a new mattress and mattress "protectant". The protectant had so many chemicals that I would be tearing up and felt it in my throat and lungs. We aired it out for several days and eventually returned it.
-I got a new cell phone (this one is definitely a stretch) and bluetooth headset. I don't know what effect the radiation might have on me that might lend to any of this.
If you are still reading this I would love to hear your thoughts. I am at a point that I'm not as anxious about this as I used to be but I don't feel most doctors are looking deeply enough - and I'm still forced to read and look for answers. Perhaps that aspect will never end. There is a lot of knowledge on this board and many coming from viewpoints I've never considered. Please let me know whatever thoughts you might have on this.
Thanks in advance.
Total Cholesterol: 284
Triglycerides: 116
HDL: 40
LDL 221
TSH: .423 (Normal: .3 - 3.0)
T4, Free, Direct 1.51 (0.82 - 1.77)
Previous numbers (from memory) roughly 1.5 months earlier:
Trig: 190
HDL: 37
LDL: 205
TSH: 4.0