Today my life is good. I am still tired some days but the pain is gone. Today I have loose genitals that are warm as to the cold tightness that I had for over a year. My sex drive is back and erections are back fully.
The candida diet only kept things at bay or made made a ba situation better. If I slipped or got ahead of myself I would slip. Acupuncture gave me lots of help. But I needed antifungals and a lot of them and multiple ones. I stacked them. I had to buy them in Colombia because doctors wouldn't give me them or enough of them. You see they can't detect candida in men and if they do it would be on the surface and then only think a cream is all that is needed.
I took lufenuron fluconazole terbafina intracozanol -shortly I took natural antifungals but I don't believe they worked only helped. A full blown candida infection is much to strong for plant based supplements. - I believe. Caprilic acid from coconut oil works on the intestines well though.
From what I believe and experiences probiotics only work or help of and when enough candida is killed off before taking probiotics so I would hold off and save your money. Then when you are better take massive amounts of probiotics daily. Fivelac and syntol are a joke. Sleep and vitamin D are your best friend from my experience.
Today I am lucky I have a doctor that is an md who gets it. He uses both alternative and western ideas. His name is dr Ross michelson. He is a special doctor. He knows of prostatitis caused by fungus. I saw dr nickel who some of you guys may have read about. He is an authority on prostatits from queens university. He has lots of papers published. In my opinion he is a joke and out dated. However he is the norm and the first line in the prostatitis battle. I believe causing the condition to worsen. I got no help through this doctor who again looks for bacteria or calls prostatitis a mystery and blames an autoimmune disorder.
I was lucky looking back because I had signs that brought me to the knowing path that I went on. I had hair falling out and a itchy scalp after eating a regular diet. I had a penile drip when things were bad. I had pain in my stomach and a constant sick feeling. My tongue was filmy in the mornings. I was tired and went through constipation bouts for the first time in my life when I didn't have diarrhea which was the norm for me. Stress, poor diet (drugs and alcohol carbs little veggies) poor sleep and lastly antibiotics were my cause of sickness and prostatitis.
I have read hundreds of hours of articles, blogs, chats and testimonials. I want to share two that helped me. My current doctor tested me for parasites with muscle testing and told me I had intestinal parasites and intestinal candida. I knew about the candida but told him I had just a week ago got my stool test back and there was no parasites found. I also told him I had blood work supporting this. He laughed at both. My gp understands what dr Michelson ment. We in the west have no idea.
So I took vermox and parapurg and the diarrhea stopped and my health got better. I never saw anything passing but my health skyrocketed. After I had an immediate hydro colonic and felt better each day. I am suggesting that parasites be looked at for all undiagnosed illnesses. They don't have to be the big ones that scare us but microscopic as well.
I continue to pass white tiny dots or flakes in my stool an that is what I believe to be candida die off. My body is stronger and the healing is taking place.
Here are the things I highly recommend reading.
Also look into lufenuron at
I am sure there are things that I am forgetting as this has been a long hard battle. It is an up hill battle because of our medical systems in Canada and the US. It is a battle because we trusted these doctors and grew up in a doctors knows best and take a pill and are cured mentality.
Take your health in your own hands. Live healthy be balanced and this won't happen to you. Read all you can on this site and many more. Don't take one doctors word find more and look deep into alternative medicine.
I hope there is no spelling mistakes as I am not proof reading on my iPhone. This is it for me on this site I am off to live my life and being balanced. I hope that the antibiotic mania on this website find what really works and stop harming their bodies.
Before I sign off I want to say Bactria causes prostatitis, I believe nervous system can play a roll causing or worsening, trauma causes prostatitis and fungus causes prostatitis.
Good luck peace and love