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Old 05-28-2013, 06:22 AM
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Default Could be paranoia...or something else? Poison?

Too much melodrama on TV?

Lately pain in gut. Odd twinge here and there. Have stopped ALL wine. No major change in diet. Still gluten free. Organic. LOTS of fresh veggies/fruits in salads. Organic coffee in AM with coconut oil/stevia. Etc.

Seems to have begun around Christmas-y time, I think. Been telling daughter my symptoms are much like ovarian cancer: bloat, odd fullness after eating. NO BLOOD. NO indigestion. No over the top anything really.

Divorce is ongoing. He is allowed to be at the marital residence from 8pm to 6am. Have had to call the police to have him removed way after the 6am when he begins to yell/scream/threaten or prevent daughter from getting ready for work. Note to self: Need to pick up those police reports for today appt with attny. Ugh, groomer is here. Maybe she will let me just run to the police dept and she can let herself in/out?

Make a long story short - which I usually am not famous for - I just wonder if one of his "friends" suggested he put something in my water? His own father once accused HIS wife-husband's mom - of poisoning him. While he was all whacked out on morphine. Turned out to be ulcers and too many aspirins that caused much of his stomach probs. Shingles proved too much for the over 90 year old. But he blamed HIS wife. They are very Italian. My daughter and I both drink it and the dogs too. We are ALL dragging our butts around the house, etc. NO ENERGY. Or comes in spurts. But the bischon worries me. He can sleep soundly 24/7 and it's not like him?

Where would I even take the water? Rather be called crazy than be dead. Or injured. Too much tv? Or could this have merit.

Our divorce is hell. Total hell. Just odd that the dogs are ALWAYS sleeping. And us, too

Time for intense therapy?

ETA: A cousin of his once told me the "goomba" story upon meeting our brand new baby daughter for the first time, by asking me if our daughtger grabbed for money when held in front of her? If not, you drown the baby in the well. That is what ole Angie told me. I'll forget that. (could have just said "awww, cute little baby" and left us alone!!!)

The sisterinlaw and her "poison" meatballs to share with the neighborhood greyhounds that attacked and killed our yorkie. Stopped eating her food immediately after this comment. Poison meatballs? As if she had many frozen, waiting for someone.

Dad's rant about his mom poisoning him.

A bunch of KILLERS, or what?

The friend of his across the street that once offered DURSBAN to me for my garden/lawn. I am like "isn't that stuff banned? why would I use it? I have kids all over the yard daily?" He has ALOT of products that the government said you may not have any more to use. He gets it from HIS farmer friends at a farm he has in Michigan.
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Old 05-29-2013, 06:00 AM
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Don't want to turn this into a blog, mods you may delete this entire thread.

He has stopped paying bills. So I must stop the internet service. Cell phone. Car insurance. Etc.

All this because I want to get out of this relationship. Yikes. He quickly used up accounts of cash-on-hand to pay all of his bills. Even medical that haven't been billed yet *he paid from the estimates - the E.O.B! My dental is on its way...that will be mine, too.

No court order is going to have him pay any bills. I also have the utility bill to pay from last month. I believe he wants his daughter to pay for that. I feel the love.

I don't know why the court allowed him to be in the house from 8pm to 6am. But it is pure hell on earth. He sits in the driveway until my daughter leaves for work. He keeps walking to the back of the house to use the hose - he is urinating in a water bottle while sitting in the truck for an hour or so??!! The neighbors see this action. He is trying to get me to come out and yell or something. I closed the blinds in the kitchen. I can hear him turning on the hose...oh god.

I just worry that he will get in the house and destroy it while I am dropping off info at the lawyers office. For that is what is driving him now. If he can't have it - neither can I.

I contacted a real estate agent to get out of here before he does use one of those shot guns on me, and found out he is leaving the house end of May. Not sure if it is forever???

This is what Narcissistic Personality disorder looks like. I will do my best with the bills. This is a nightmare of epic proportion.

Daughter said the water jug that I filter tap water thru was moved from its place. She asked me if I moved it. I said no. I now have to clean out all the filters and run bottled water thru the filters. I am going to trust this maniac? You don't have to settle ANY amount of marital property with a ghost, right? Think about it.

We are giving the dogs tap water - for now. We are drinking water that we keep in our bedroom closets. He has no access to it.

My head hurts. My stomach is a mess. The dogs are even stressed Poor things.

I guess this is a so long to all for awhile. Not sure if I can get any cash...sell my wedding set?? Pawn? Got to do something.

I just want out?
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Old 05-29-2013, 12:05 PM
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With sadness I read your post and pray that this traumatic time passes without much more pain and heartache. May your entire family be comforted during this time of painful transition.
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Old 05-30-2013, 08:10 AM
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Thank you so much mommysunshine. Your kindness is just what I needed.

I don't enjoy going to the dark place - but he does frighten me. His actions lately have become more bizarre. I am taking power and control away from him and he will do ANYTHING to maintain. It is as if there was never any warm fuzzy feelings between the two of us. As if the relationship was pre-arranged and I am backing out of the contract. Just business. eeek. It is overwhelming at times to stay one step ahead of him and his need to be right. But he always is. And it's always MY fault if there is a mis-step.

When my daughter, who is very intuitive, picks up on the ramped up strangeness of his, I listen to her. Watch. Protect. Plan...as best as I can. She even suggested he might go for a temporary insane plea if he pulls something. So distressed. So depressed. Not working. Heart probs. He.just.snapped and then can't recall.

We are in a very contested divorce, with him believing I owe HIM money because HE IS THE GREATEST THERE EVER WAS and there should be NO dividing of ANY "funds." He HOARDS. T-shirts, prayer cards from funerals, free promo junk, old crap he pulls out of the trash, homes, people, MONEY. He stopped paying on bills last year since interest was down in an account *to make up for it. While he was laid off. God, that was a difficult time.

I sent resume after resume, filled out many applications to find work. Became a food service worker at a banquet hall and went home with HIVES each time. The manager then said getting hives at work is not good. He couldn't have me there.

I panicked over the bills, then daughter tries to step in to help manage. She is on a temporary (intern) salary. The poor kid could barely keep gas in her car and she is willing to pay bills. WHILE HE IS SAVING THOUSAND$. Many of them. Just investments, not IRA's, Roth accounts, and those things you CANNOT touch, etc. To say I was gobsmocked when learning the BALANCES of those accounts - is an understatement. My car is over 10 years old and I feel guilty with every 12 dollar shoe purchase I make. I am growing my own veggies to make ends meet.

And I want to take his money away??? He has probably named each and every cent, too. Little pet names. They are his babies. Not mine. I don't deserve them. Whatever I think I may have contributed to the relationship, making sure he was healthy, the home, the budget -- whatever, I am just kidding myself. I didn't actually EARN the money. So, what makes me think a lawyer/judge/court is going to be able to take it from HIM and give to ME? The parasite? (I read the email I sent to my lawyer informing I will sign anything NOW. Don't want a penny. Just want out. Attorney called and told me "no." Told the husband to go after HIM, not me. For I never asked for anything *I didn't know we really had anything)

Bobsy -my lawyer - called last night and we are getting together to remove half of a tax check to pay the bills. (Husbands half of a big tax check that was placed in a trust at my lawyer.) And support that is in arrears. Still looking for work. Away from food service, tho. I really need some type of training? School? Something!! But that too, takes money.

I cleaned out the water filters, dumped the water and now have them where he cant get to them. Dogs are still drinking tap and they actually played with toys yesterday! First time in a long time. So, maybe it was just a bad tank of Lake Michigan? Or it was him. The part that bothers me most is that it would NOT surprise me. There is an ex-police officer famous in chicagoland for having TWO exwives just up and die or become missing. One ex, he was found guilty of killing. The other, they just cannot locate. All over division of retirement and investments of HIS. My husband once claimed that it was sad for the excop to feel he had to do something so extreme - TWICE! what the ____?

Thanks again mommysunshine. Sunshine is so important!! Makes everything better.

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� #5
Old 05-30-2013, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by happy2bhere View Post
Too much melodrama on TV?

Reminds me of two of my favorite TV stats;

Most children watching evening TV have lower metabolisms than when they were asleep.

Most adults watching evening TV felt more stress than any other part of their day.
I'd rather meander for the prevention than race for the cure.
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� #6
Old 05-30-2013, 08:06 PM
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I will take a guess and say most of your health problems are probably due to stress, which considering the circumstances if perfectly normal. However you can check any real water problems by simply buying a gallon of water and use it for drinking and see if that makes some of your problems go away.

It is hard to know what to say in situations like this but the quicker you can but all this behind you the better you will be. In the mean time try to spend some time concentrating on where you would like to be rather then your current problems.
Hang in there you can make it through this, know that you got the best wishes from everyone here.
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� #7
Old 05-31-2013, 12:18 PM
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Most adults watching evening TV felt more stress than any other part of their day
@OldGoat - I know. So I stopped watching those MSM network news or even those "popular" shows - now, it's veria living or Steve/Chris from Canada and KNOW THE CAUSE. Love those, oh and Classical Stretch by Miranda. I don't watch the news...like I'd believe any of that.

@MadScientist -
- oh em gee it is painful. there is NO outlet. No release of anything. I cannot stir up the bees, poke the sleeping bear whilst sleeping, so I HAVE to just take whatever he dishes out. Contact the lawyer and DUMP it all on him. To stop dragging this out. We aren't even at the first draft of the agreement stage for shits sake! It will be a year in August for filing and I haven't even SEEN an agreement to disagree with! It is all HIM. (If he needs something to happen to prove his point, he will make it happen. I have seen this over and over again)

My old ulcer issues have returned. But I don't know if I want to do the upper g.i. series with xrays. I know it is back. The other feelings of fullness, is new. (odd taste in mouth, severe fatigue) Very painful. Then, the feelings of gallbladder attack (no gallbladder).

Waiting for killer migraines, the IBS/GERD oh and sinus infecs to start up again. All of these began within three years of marriage to him. Oh, and the melanoma.

When 8pm rolls around and he is allowed back in "walking on eggshells" is an understatement. He begins cooking around 9-10 pm and spreading that gluten ALL OVER the kitchen. The allergic dog turns bright pink and has trouble sleeping. Our daughter begins getting symptoms and I am trying to put out fires all night long.

But.there.is.no.way.out. Until we find a place we can rent that will accept three yappy little dogs...
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