The inflation has already started and the corporations are looking to get more out of us. People need to realize as China and Asia grow and they get more money, if they are willing to pay 3 dollars for an apple, we will have to also.
Also, look at the prices already of wild caught (US or Canadian) fish.
You cannot pump trillions of worthless dollars into the economy, as the FRB has done, and not expect it to cause an increase in inflation. That is why it is illegal for a private individual to print counterfeit money, because they would be devaluing the current money supply. Yet when the private FED prints money and causes inflation we�re told it�s OK when they do it.
You cannot pump trillions of worthless dollars into the economy, as the FRB has done, and not expect it to cause an increase in inflation. That is why it is illegal for a private individual to print counterfeit money, because they would be devaluing the current money supply. Yet when the private FED prints money and causes inflation we�re told it�s OK when they do it.
And they are not elected and not american, just like the world trade organization, the UN, etc