Originally Posted by Arrowwind09
My doc doubles the dose of the prescription then I split them and take half of that twice a day... that saves me $30 a month... before it cost $60
My doc also insists that I take lugols iodine every day as iodine will help prevent ill effects of bad estrogens. I have absolutley proven this out on myself a couple of times.. I strongly recommend it.
Great Arrowwind09, I love that your doctor doubles your prescription so it's more economical.
I read yesterday that caffeine can increase estrogen by 70%!!!!! I cracked up when I read it. Caffeine is good - no, caffeine is bad - no, it's good - no, it's bad. Actually, if I'm dehydrated, have adrenal fatigue or sugar metabolism issues then it's bad. But, if I'm low in estrogen it's good.
kind2creatures, thanks for the heads up on red clover tea. I purchased a pound of it from Mountain Rose herbs several months back so it's time for me to drink up. I've enjoyed it these past couple days thanks to your suggestion.
Has anyone heard of children having unbalanced hormones? I'm beginning to wonder if low hormones have been why I'm who I am - personality wise - because depression/anxiety has been a part of me from young childhood.