� #1
Old 04-04-2011, 02:54 PM
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Default MMS1 & 2 - what's the difference?

What is the difference between MMS1 & MMS2 and why are they different if the MMS1 works why would we want to change this?

I was just starting to become convinced that trying MMS1 might be worth the risk of trying something that many other people say is like drinking bleach - Its ok, I understand the basic logic, I'm just pointing out that discovering MMS and accepting it is hard enough - now I'm looking at buckets of stuff that would almost certainly clean ovens and I'm starting to wonder if there really is a strange epic following instead of a serious medical breakthrough here.

- Just saying what is in my mind at this early stage of discovery
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� #2
Old 04-25-2011, 12:25 PM
loz loz is offline
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Smile MMS1 & MMS2 are totally different

MMS1 when activated properly as Jim Humble recommends produces ClO2 (chlorine Dioxide). MMS2 is Calcium Hypochlorite and turns into hypochlorous acid when in water.
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