� #1
Old 12-21-2011, 10:58 AM
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Default Question about a herbal formula

I found a recipe for a formula that says to put Garlic, Onions, Habenaro peppers, Horseraddish, ginger, and parsley chopped up in apple cider vinegar for two weeks. Strain, bottle and take a couple of drops before each meal in water. I know all of those things do good stuff for the body, but does soaking them in ACV actually transfer the properties?
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Old 12-21-2011, 12:14 PM
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Not transfer. Ferment.

If you were to put these in warm water, it could develop mold or spoil even in a couple of days. The ACV will preserve them much longer.
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� #3
Old 12-21-2011, 12:26 PM
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Thanks, but the herbs get strain and thrown away. All that I take is the ACV after its done. Is it going to have all the properties that the herbs that soaked in it had?
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Old 12-21-2011, 01:58 PM
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Yes. All the properties that you need in a formula. Of course, you will miss fibers and possibly enzymes, but it will be like a tincture. Instead of alcohol, it will be vinegar. Keep the strained fluid. Toss the debris.

What will be its use? Sinus? Circulation? Digestion? It seems that this can be quite useful for several things. Arthritis?

Can you be more specific on the quantities? I might help a lot of our readers.
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Old 12-21-2011, 02:30 PM
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Aside from ferment it will also extract so yes it will pick up properties of the herbs.
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� #6
Old 12-21-2011, 02:46 PM
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Exactly! Its touted as a general good for everything formula. It says equal parts of everything except the habenaro. I didn't mention because I didn't find it and left it out was that your suspose to do 1/2 part habenaro pepper, 1/2 part Cayenne pepper, 1 part everything else. Cover by 1" in pure organic unrefined, un pasterized ACV and sit for two weeks. I will post the link when I get home.
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� #7
Old 12-22-2011, 06:40 AM
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It will extract the water soluble components and vinegar being slightly acidic will also extract the organic bases (amines). Also JFH is correct, it will help preserve the components. An alcoholic extract (i.e. Vodka) would have a totally different set of components extracted.
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Old 12-22-2011, 08:13 AM
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That sounds great! I might try it. I would call it a tonic.
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� #9
Old 12-29-2011, 12:17 AM
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Thumbs up Eastern Wine Tonic

While at this subject of herbal formala, following is how to make 3 types of wine tonic consumed in the East:-

Note: Any kind of wine or liquor can be used: Red / White wine, Chinese Rice Wine, Japanese Sake, Brandy, Whiskey, etc., preferrably with alcohol content 13% & above.

Black Bean Wine

Black Bean 200gm (black skin, green seed)

1. Rinse the black beans.
2. Fry in a pan over a small fire till skin split open. It would take about
3. While hot, soak the beans in the wine and seal it.
4. Leave it in a cool and dark place for 2 weeks or longer.
5. Drink 50 to 100 cc per day, preferrable once in the morning and once
before bedtime.

Wolfberry Wine

Wolfberry 200gm

1. Rinse the wolfberries.
2. Shred the wolfberries or use a scissor/knife to cut it into pieces.
3. Soak them in the wine and seal it.
4. Leave it in a cool and dark place for 2 weeks or longer.
5. Drink 50 to 100 cc per day, preferrable once in the morning and once
before bedtime.

Onion Wine

Big Onion 2 pcs

1. Wash the Onions thoroughly.
2. Cut one onion into 8 - 10 pcs estimated.
3. Soak them in the wine and seal it.
4. Leave it in a cool and dark place for 2 weeks or longer.
5. Drink 50 to 100 cc per day, preferrable once in the morning and once
before bedtime.

Chinese like to use wine in their tonic as they believe that wine helps in blood circulation. If the alcohol is too strong, dilute the wine. You can also reduce the alcohol content by immersing the glass of wine in hot water. Heat will help to dissipate the alcohol.

For the betterment of health & quality of life,
FL Wong
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� #10
Old 12-29-2011, 07:55 AM
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Thanks, FL! Please do share more eastern recipes with us. Welcome to the forum.
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� #11
Old 12-29-2011, 11:55 PM
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Thanks for the warm welcome u&iraok!

Further to last msg, this is generally what the wine tonics can help in:-

1) reduces blood pressure -- black bean wine is even able to stabilise blood pressure whether high or low.
2) reduces joint pains -- arthritis, rheumatism, etc.
3) helps in skin diseases, diabetes, etc.
4) improves bowel and prostrate functions
5) improves eyesights, floaters, tinnutis, etc.
6) helps to reduce cholesterol levels
7) improves immune systems

Though the tonics can boost your health, please do take note that you still have to control your diet. If you do need more information on what these tonics can do, please feel free to contact me.

For the betterment of health & quality of life,
FL Wong
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� #12
Old 12-30-2011, 08:25 AM
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I have made a similar recipe with garlic... as the wolfberry one, except I add a some white vinegar to the Chardonnay.

Welcome FL Wong.

Do you know how to make Tamari/soy sauce?
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� #13
Old 12-30-2011, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by FL Wong View Post
Thanks for the warm welcome u&iraok!

Further to last msg, this is generally what the wine tonics can help in:-

1) reduces blood pressure -- black bean wine is even able to stabilise blood pressure whether high or low.
2) reduces joint pains -- arthritis, rheumatism, etc.
3) helps in skin diseases, diabetes, etc.
4) improves bowel and prostrate functions
5) improves eyesights, floaters, tinnutis, etc.
6) helps to reduce cholesterol levels
7) improves immune systems

Though the tonics can boost your health, please do take note that you still have to control your diet. If you do need more information on what these tonics can do, please feel free to contact me.

For the betterment of health & quality of life,
FL Wong
Great info. Thanks FL Wong. Which tonic helps tinnutis?
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� #14
Old 12-31-2011, 11:44 PM
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Thank you for the welcome. I do not know how to make Tamari/Soy sauce. Sorry.

Glad to know that you like the info.
Black bean wine helps Tinnutis. Its not a week or two kind of things though. You will have to drink it for over a month before you will experience any improvement. When you start drinking the wine, you will find that your energy level during the day will increase, sleep more soundly in the night and improvement in excess waste water disposal as black beans helps you to improve your kidney function.

When your kidney improves & better detox takes place, just make sure you drink more water so that toxins can be carry out through your urine. Also, if when you start drinking the tonic wine, you do find your body getting hotter, it means your blood circulation is better. A cold bath will take care of it. You might also experience tingling sensations or pains in your joints, location of old injuries, etc when blocks veins are being unclotted.

In the context of TCM, black color fortifies the kidney, green color helps the liver and the soluble fibre in black beans helps the digestive systems. So in effect you will be getting something like a multi-health drink in a bottle, cheap and natural too. In addition, you get an excuse to enjoy alcohol. Just make sure you do not drink more thatn 200cc per day.

For the betterment of health & quality of life,
FL Wong
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