Thanks Arrowwind09 and Kind2creatures. The situation I have here is innocent and a little different from the standard sales DVD that you mentioned kind2creatures. The DVD in question was :
1) Presented by people who run a health institute and who have no affiliation with anyone who make the herbal ointment. They will reccommend the ointment but derive no profit from it. It is a 2,000 yr old cure and cannot be patented.
2) The ingredients are a little difficult to find but the method of manufacture is easy and with a
price of $25 for a small jar (lasts 10 yrs) most will go for that rather than try to source the herbs. For something that saves a life this is incredible value.
3)In Australia and the US this product has been made illegal to be sold for use on humans but is legal for use on pets (I think we all know why this loophole had to be created).
I think that I was banned for the same reasons that the herbal cure was banned;
it threatens the cancer industry. Within a short few years oncologists and dermatologists would lose half of their bussiness and Big Pharma would lose billions in income.
I will follow this post with the ingredients and method on manufacture.
Thanks again.