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\r\n \r\n Has anyone on this site heard of the underground cure for herpes.
\nThese kits are $500 to $1000 per kit.
\nI am almost willing to try anything.
\nSomeone one gave me this problem and it just about ruined my life.\r\n
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\r\n \r\n It is scam, as far as I known. I have HHV as well. I have not only HHV-1 but HHV-6 too.
\r\nMy advices:
\r\n1) Find a doctor that prescribes you clinical trials to quantify the viral load every month;
\r\n2) Start a diet with 50% of organic raw vegetables;
\r\n3) Start taking as much vitamin C as you can (until you have diarrhea)
\r\n4) Look for natural antivirals. So far will oregano oil and TTN were the best for me, but I still have hundreds of options.
\r\n5) Test them one by one (or 2 by 2) and do the tests so know their practical effect.
\r\nWhat works for me:
\r\n1) >500% DDR of Vitamin E
\r\n2) High dosage of fish oils
\r\n3) Sauna + vitamin B3 (niacin)
\r\n4) Oreano oil and TTN;\r\n
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Old 02-19-2013, 03:47 PM
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: US
Posts: 1
myfz6 is on a distinguished road
Default The Underground Cure for Herpes

Has anyone on this site heard of the underground cure for herpes.

These kits are $500 to $1000 per kit.
I am almost willing to try anything.
Someone one gave me this problem and it just about ruined my life.
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