� #16
Old 08-25-2011, 10:17 PM
Join Date: Jul 2011
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truestorytotell is on a distinguished road

ok got it...

if i eventually buy powder or liquid ill just be drinking it like that or adding it to water or a vegetable juice or something and drink when i need to...not put into capsules,thanks...

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� #17
Old 08-25-2011, 11:46 PM
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Originally Posted by truestorytotell View Post
and the other one is water dissolvable...

all i see is 1000mg,contains no sugar,suitable for diabetics,every tablet contains 1000mg ascorbic acid and flavor blutorange,aspartame,acesulfam...
Oh my, turestorytotell, that is not a good product if it has aspertame in it. Aspertame is a neurotoxin and should not be consumed ever.

There is a company you might want to check out for ordering natural products over the net... they seem to ship all over the world but you will have to contact them to see if they can ship to you.

Its called www.iherb.com Im pretty sure they would never sell any product with aspertame in it.

If this company ships to your country and you want to give them a try enter my coupon code BAR 967 at the checkout and you will get $5 off of your fisrt purchase. I purchase most of my products here... but when I think about it actually I purchase my vitamin C at www.vitacost.com sorry I have no coupon for you with this company. I dont know if they ship to your nation... I think iherb is more likely to and they have vitamin c too... I just get a better buy on ascorbic acid at vitacost.

Ultimately, you should learn how to make your own lipsomal vitamin C. Its much more powerful and costs less.
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� #18
Old 08-26-2011, 12:08 AM
Join Date: Jul 2011
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truestorytotell is on a distinguished road

yea i know arrow,my bad...i didnt do my research before purchasing actually,i thought vitamin is vitamin,and so i made a mistake...

basically the 2 i mentioned i will use just untill they run out,throw the bottles and forget about them...after that i will use the first one i posted the one which is suitable for vegans,salt sugar and starch free,check it out and tell me what you think about that one...

thanks for the sites,i still havent really got down to ordering stuff from the net,but the time is coming,i mean when i look at the prices i pay at my health shop for stuff comparing to the prices from the net,i feel sooooo ripped off :/

and as far as making my own vit.c,wow,i think im not there yet,i wouldnt want to mess something up y know what i mean...
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� #19
Old 08-26-2011, 06:02 PM
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Originally Posted by truestorytotell View Post
so does this apply to all vitamins??
You want to buy vitamins without added fillers and colors, such as magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide. They are not beneficial to health and should not be included in the vitamin. Check the ingredients label.

As far as multivitamins go, it is better to get a multi made from whole foods rather than a cheap synthetic version. In other words, don't buy mulivitamins from walmart, get them from a health food store or other reliable source. The good muli will cost more, but you get what you pay for.
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