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Old 04-12-2012, 06:21 PM
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Angry Hyped Up and Overpriced Focus Supplements

Unless I'm missing something, there's a LOT of overpriced, and over-hyped brand named supplements out there, that are basically expensive rip-offs for the unsuspecting consumer.

I just came from Costco, and there was a "focus" memory supplement sample, which I took home. Well, there was one "tablet" in the packet, which is a deal breaker for me, because tablets are often very hard to dissolve, and I only buy capsules, softgels or liquid supplements.

Anyway, come to see that the "serving size" is 4 tablets, or 8 tablets daily, depending on weight. So, I looked up this product online, and the cost generally is $24 for 150 tablets. Therefore, if I'm not mistaken, that's $24 for 38 doses, a bit over a months worth...or 19 doses if you're overweight.

The ingredients in this product are that of a multi vitamin/mineral pill. There are a few things added in small amounts like grapeseed extract and DHEA.

Appears that if someone is taking a decent multi, they would benefit in the area of memory, "focus" and concentration, and probably do better with a few additional 'self-chosen' herbs.

I don't like companies feeding off the consumers with inflated claims. I think we're better off just using common sense. Eat good organic whole foods, and use additional vitamins and supplements when needed.
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Old 04-12-2012, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by kind2creatures View Post
Well, there was one "tablet" in the packet, which is a deal breaker for me, because tablets are often very hard to dissolve, and I only buy capsules, softgels or liquid supplements.
Do they make time-release vitamins that aren't tablets?
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Old 04-13-2012, 09:33 AM
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I've only seen time released vitamins or medications in tablet form, probably because it's slow dissolving to begin with.
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Old 04-14-2012, 05:12 AM
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Its the new scam. 5 dollar pills at the gas station for energy, "male enhancement", etc
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