Manuka honey stops colds, sore throats & more
Hi all
As someone who used to get loads of colds and sore throats which would often then lead to tonsillitis, I wanted to tell you how great I've found manuka honey.
I started using Propolis sweets when I got sore throats on the advice of a friend, but got a bit sick of the taste. I then tried manuka honey, and as long as I take it a few times for a couple of days as soon as I start feeling ill, it goes asay.
If I don't get to use the honey till I'm already sick it will soothe but not cure so the secret is as soon as I feel throat pain or start sneezing. I'll also take some if my housemates get ill as I usually get stuff like that from people.
It is expensive and I tend to have a +15 and a +25 (strength), but I usually just put half a teaspoon (or even less for the +25 as it is more expensive) and do this no more than 3 times a day so it does last quite a bit and it's worth it to avoid these viruses!
Hope this helps someone!