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Old 04-12-2012, 02:21 PM
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Default Could this be a liver problem?

Symptoms include....Tiredness, exhaustion, , blood in stool (red), and symptoms that appear in short attacks of about ten to twenty minutes duration like mental confusion and other mental problems, strange feelings in hands with slight clawing, visual disturbances

Heavy drinker for about thirty years, stopped completely now, doctor does not seem that concerned, was sent to therapist for mental trouble , specifically panic attacks but said I was OK and wanted to refer me to another therapist. Anyone had a liver scan , are they easy to get?

My liver function tests were OK , from about six months ago when I was drinking.
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Old 04-12-2012, 02:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Burdock View Post
Symptoms include....Tiredness, exhaustion, , blood in stool (red), and symptoms that appear in short attacks of about ten to twenty minutes duration like mental confusion and other mental problems, strange feelings in hands with slight clawing, visual disturbances

Heavy drinker for about thirty years, stopped completely now, doctor does not seem that concerned, was sent to therapist for mental trouble , specifically panic attacks but said I was OK and wanted to refer me to another therapist. Anyone had a liver scan , are they easy to get?

My liver function tests were OK , from about six months ago when I was drinking.
It's possible that the liver and kidney function may have something to do with your symptoms, I'm glad to hear your tests were okay.

The blood in stool might be related to hemorrhoids, either external or internal, especially if you had constipation issues. Visual distrubances like floaters can be from dehydration, so drinking plenty of filtered water might help.

Your body may also be lacking nutrients, so taking a good multi vitamin/mineral, a vitamin B-50 complex and magnesium citrate daily won't be a bad start. Herbs beneficial to liver and kidneys are Milk Thistle and Dandelion. https://www.natmedtalk.com/wiki/Alcoholism#Helpful_Herbs

A liver scan should not be hard to get, talk to your doctor about it. Sometimes you have to ask for these tests with certain insurance coverages.
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� #3 �
Old 04-12-2012, 03:00 PM
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Cheers, no pain with the blood and have had haemeroids years ago , both internal and external, doctor did check regards haemeroids this time when the bleeding began (about seven years ago) but was puzzled to what it was. The bleeding stopped when I was prscribed B vits, but has returned again about two or three months ago ( Coinciding with me stopping prescribed Bs and buying natural ones) overall natural ones are better though , I take slow release high dose ones and a basic multi vit under tongue, have just bought some dissolvable B vits too.

The visual things are quite hard to describe, cant focus, hazy in one eye, plus some sort of halcinations, everything appears to go in slow motion and a feeling of great fear.

I am in the UK, but its bloody hard to get the docs to do anything , I have been many times to them and have just emailed an advocacy agency to see if they can help.
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Old 04-13-2012, 01:56 PM
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Some of your main symptoms point to a condition called PYROLURIA which causes a large excretion of Vitamin B6 and Zinc. Low Zinc will cause an increase in copper in the brain which can cause mental problems.

Among the many symptoms are fatigue, as well as panic and anxiety attacks.
Sufferers seem attracted to alcohol and vegetarian diets and according to research 40% of alcoholics have the condition.


As far as I know you cant get tested on the NHS but you can get a test privately in the UK for about �45.

Its not advisable to start taking high doses of B6 and Zinc without testing as this may cause imbalances in other minerals and cause more symptoms. With this condition you are better getting a test and consultation to determine dosages if the test is positive, which will vary according to test levels.

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