Here is yet another study on what's afoot in the Arctic. Looking pretty serious I must say.
There was a gentleman on 'Newsnight' saying he thought we had past the point of no return and the damage was now irreversible...
....It is our deeds, the accumulated acts of goodness and kindness, that define us and ultimately are the true measure of our worth. Service is the coin of the spirit.
That we have seen changes in weather patterns is a given, but are these changes just natural long term cyclical ones or due to man inadvertently effecting them, or evendeliberately effecting them through weather manipulation technology? We do have some very bad people who wouldn�t think twice about creating a �natural disaster� if they thought they could benefit from it.
Were we not told that if the polar ice caps melted that low laying coastal areas would be flooded? So if half of this ice cap is melted should we not be starting to see some of this effect?
Here is yet another study on what's afoot in the Arctic. Looking pretty serious I must say.
There was a gentleman on 'Newsnight' saying he thought we had past the point of no return and the damage was now irreversible...
Luckily we have the intelligence & ability to adapt if that is true
In the blink of an eye, we could find ourselves living in an ice age.
I don't know about an ice age and it of course depends where you live, but if the weather predictions are correct we here in Western England could have more, what I call, Highland weather - wet and windy, with snowier winters. And the sort of droughts that Jim has been getting in Texas could become the norm there.
Don't ask me how, but I found myself on the Portugal News website and found this gem of an article...Thought-provoking stuff
That was an interesting article, you're funny, dear Knight It amazes me where I end up online too LOL
Most often it's someone's science blog, or in this case somewhere Scottish lol
That was an interesting article, you're funny, dear Knight It amazes me where I end up online too LOL
1) Most often it's someone's science blog, or in this case somewhere Scottish lol