04-07-2010, 07:45 PM
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anal bleeding,external cut?
dead serious here I have had an external cut and blood in my stool over a month.it was a foreign object,but I will not tell the doctor because they are all ladies and I can't look them in the face and tell them what really happened.The bleeding was bad at first but simmered down my question,can an external cut eventually heal,even if it's in my rectum which I defacate over every 2 days.I got moderate stomach problems,and caused my lady doctor a lot of guess work,I have constipation,and heartburn,but I can't take,any laxitive,stool softner,pepto bismol,gas-x,anti-acid,cause on the bottles it warns not to.Is there any home remedies,creams anything.I want a doctor or nurse opinion.Other symptoms are someday constipation,someday sudden bm,stomach pain at night.Help please?

04-07-2010, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by jerryt
I have constipation,and heartburn,but I can't take,any laxitive,stool softner,pepto bismol,gas-x,anti-acid,cause on the bottles it warns not to.Is there any home remedies,creams anything.I want a doctor or nurse opinion.Other symptoms are someday constipation,someday sudden bm,stomach pain at night.Help please?
I'm not a doctor or a nurse, but I assume the cut has been cleansed and treated with something to kill the bacteria, such as hydrogen peroxide. At this point it seems like it may be bleeding due to irritation from bowel movements.
Bowel movements should not be every two days, but every day. The stool should be soft so it doesn't irritate the cut any further, then it can continue to heal.
I don't see any reason that you couldn't take a product like Metamucil (Natural Psyllium Husk Fiber), Walmart sell a less expensive version called Equate Fiber Therapy. This can be taken several times a day with adequate water intake.
In a couple of days, you should be more comfortable during your bowel movements, and the cut will be more likely to heal completely. If you're not comfortable with women doctors, then you must go and see a man if you can't resolve your problem at home.
Remember to keep the area clean, bathe in warm water if possible. Coconut Oil application may soothe the area.
PS: You can drink small glasses of Aloe Vera juice throughout the day and before bed to help with the heartburn. Lily of the Desert is a good brand if available.
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04-07-2010, 10:29 PM
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So ur saying pour some hydrogen peroxide down my anus to clean the area,and drink metamucil and I will be OK. That will burn alot right?

04-08-2010, 05:53 AM
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JerryT "can an external cut eventually heal,even if it's in my rectum" sounds confusing.
I agree with kindtocreatures. I'm not a medical doctor, but you are asking for "home remedies".
I think you have a bigger problem than just the bleeding because you mentioned the "heartburn" and "stomach problems". In my opinion you probably have a hiatal hernia, or at the very least, a cardiac valve (this is the sphincter valve above the stomach) that isn't working properly. If this is true then your imbalance is lending itself to the continuing problem. I would immediately begin adding digestive enzymes and, if you do have a hiatal hernia, begin exercises to pull the stomach back down.
Marshmallow Root, Licorice Root, Slippery Elm can all help with the constipation problem and will promote healing and "do no harm". These can be taken in capsule form and can also be taken as a tea. I suggest adding fish oil as well, 1000mg at the least.
Also, check to see if your ileocecal valve is staying open. If it is, then you may have fetal matter backing up into the small intestine causing added discomfort. This can be done by finding your "belly button" and the protrusion on the right hip. About halfway between press deeply and see if you have pain, if so rub in a circular motion until the pain stops. At that point the valve will be closed. You may have to do this several times for several weeks.
If these suggestions and those of others do not help you'd probably better see a doctor as you may have aggrevated a polyp or something.

04-08-2010, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by jerryt
So ur saying pour some hydrogen peroxide down my anus to clean the area,and drink metamucil and I will be OK. That will burn alot right?
I'm not saying to pour it anywhere. After cleansing it can be applied to the external cut with something like a piece of cotton, it will burn just as much as applying alcohol, iodine or peroxide to any cut on the body.
Drinking the Metamucil will help soften the stool, and help you to become regular with daily bowel movements. It this is irritating the cut, then it will help. If you're not ok after trying methods like this, then you need to see a male doctor, because you may have a more serious issue going on.

04-08-2010, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Naturalman
JerryT "can an external cut eventually heal,even if it's in my rectum" sounds confusing.
I agree with kindtocreatures. I'm not a medical doctor, but you are asking for "home remedies".
I think you have a bigger problem than just the bleeding because you mentioned the "heartburn" and "stomach problems". In my opinion you probably have a hiatal hernia, or at the very least, a cardiac valve (this is the sphincter valve above the stomach) that isn't working properly. If this is true then your imbalance is lending itself to the continuing problem. I would immediately begin adding digestive enzymes and, if you do have a hiatal hernia, begin exercises to pull the stomach back down.
Marshmallow Root, Licorice Root, Slippery Elm can all help with the constipation problem and will promote healing and "do no harm". These can be taken in capsule form and can also be taken as a tea. I suggest adding fish oil as well, 1000mg at the least.
Also, check to see if your ileocecal valve is staying open. If it is, then you may have fetal matter backing up into the small intestine causing added discomfort. This can be done by finding your "belly button" and the protrusion on the right hip. About halfway between press deeply and see if you have pain, if so rub in a circular motion until the pain stops. At that point the valve will be closed. You may have to do this several times for several weeks.
If these suggestions and those of others do not help you'd probably better see a doctor as you may have aggrevated a polyp or something.
No pain it's not that.
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