Why sunshine could ease Multiple Sclerosis symptoms
Useful article in the Daily Mail today.
It would be helpful if other readers could comment as my comments never seem to get published.
Key points are that MMP 9's Matrix metallopeptidase 9 are the enzymes that actually damage the mylene sheath and people with low vitamin D status have higher levels of MMP9's
Raising Vitamin D status reduces MMP9 levels so there are fewer to do less damage.
In the UK it takes around 1000iu/daily per 25lbs weight to raise 25(OH)D levels so we have sufficient stored D3 to see us through the winter.
60ng/ml or 150nmol/l is required to enable human breast milk to be vitamin D replete and have sufficient stored D3 to stay replete though the winter.
More MS flares occur in winter than summer.
Vitamin D3 also regulates our immune function. Many MS flares occur as a consequence of other infection (colds and flu) and higher vitamin D status reduces the chances of infections.
If you could also "LIKE" the thread it may encourage Daily Mail to publish more in the same vein.
Remember it was first muted that Vitamin D status is related to MS incidence 60 yrs ago.
It's a sad reflection on the profiteering for big pharma that doctors strive to keep the public vitamin d deficient with scaremongering stories about tanning and sun exposure. We evolved living outdoors without clothing. We should be working on why modern humans are maladapted to their natural environment.