Yeast treatment, Threelac can anyone share or help?
Hi all, I have a situation were yeast seems to be out of control in my body. I have tried a candida cleanse which work fine untill I reintroduced sugar into my body. I have been looking for help and my family doctor has no answers. Has anyone use threelac or have any input about it. I have read that there is a link between antibiotic ammunity and a probiotic in threelac, as much as i'm opposed to antibiotics i do realize that they may be necessary to take at some point in my lif. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.
I have read that there is a link between antibiotic ammunity and a probiotic in threelac, .
Thank you so much
I don't understand this statement. Do you mean immunity? Please explain further.
It sounds like the wisest thing you could do is stay away from sugar.
__________________ "The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, - receptive to Truth and Love" Mary Baker Eddy
I would be intersest to read how flora replacement can cause one to become immune to antibiotics. I have never heard on anyone becoming immune to antibiotics but I have heard of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria developing.
Are you saying that threelac can create antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria?
There is always colloidal silver and MMS. No immunity can develop to that.
__________________ "The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, - receptive to Truth and Love" Mary Baker Eddy
yes ive found info that is saying the third bacteria in threelac, "enterococcus faecalis" causes an immunity to antibiotics. when asked to provide medical evidence of this though, non was ever produced. i am interested in the product but not at any price. I have found this product to recieve praise with the exception of this. Just wondering if anyone has any further info.
It sounds like the wisest thing you could do is stay away from sugar.
I agree with this, Arrowwind, and will add that anyone with extreme yeast problems should also stay away from refined/simple carbs, especially grains and potatoes. Starch turns to sugar in the body, so the main food source for anyone with candida overgrowth should be non-starchy vegetables and low-sugar fruits. I'm combating this myself right now, and preparing to switch to an almost completely grain-free diet for a while. As it is, I live gluten-free and lactose-free, but suspect even gluten-free grains are too prevalent in my diet.
Try not to make yourself too alkaline. That will promote the transformation of candida from yeast into the aggressive fungus.
From the article in the previous link.
Alkaline pH levels in the intestinal tract are known to be caused by intestinal flora imbalance, especially by C. albicans. (6) Therefore, for fatty acid salts to be effective in vivo, they must be delivered to the site of fungal overgrowth in the intestinal tract at an acid pH, thus avoiding both the release of excess bicarbonate from the pancreas (which would alkalinize the pH) and damage to the sensitive intestinal mucosa.7 This can most efficiently be accomplished with a nominal amount of a substance in a time-release form, such as betaine HCl, that gradually liberates small quantities of the acid throughout the intestinal tract, simultaneously releasing the fatty acid salt.
The reason you need to stay away from sugar as much as possible, is that it is food for microbes friendly and unfriendly. Don't worry. You won't starve your friendly flora. They also eat silica, which is in nearly all soft fibers.
One of the roles of probiotics is to unwittingly produce acids which kill unfriendly microbes. So --- supplement.