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Old 07-01-2011, 08:59 AM
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Default Folate for nerve pain

From Dr. Robert Rowen�s July 1, 2011, issue of Second Opinion Health Alert:
Peripheral neuropathy's connection to spine injuries - and how to treat both
Do you suffer from the intolerable pain of peripheral neuropathy or any peripheral nerve injury? If so, there's new information about a common supplement that could give you significant relief. And it could help those with spine injuries as well.
As you may know, spinal cord injuries are devastating. Central nervous system neurons just don't readily heal. But researchers recently found out that this common vitamin may promote what healing is possible. And it's the same mechanism that could give your painful peripheral nerve injury some relief. Scientists inflicted spinal cord injuries on rodents to see how the damage heals. They also wanted to know if they could accelerate the healing. Knowing they can prevent neural tube defects in babies with folate, they decided to see if it would help nerve injuries.
They found that the more folate they gave the animals, the more regrowth of nerve fibers (i.e., axons) they saw. So, they sought to find out why.
Turns out that injured nerve cells produce surface cell receptors for folate. The vitamin fits into the receptors like a key in a lock. It's then transported into the nucleus where it enables a process called methylation of the DNA. This process activates gene expression. In the animals, methylation peaked at an equivalent human dose of 5.6 mg (for a 150-lb adult). Of course, animal needs may not reflect human metabolism. But it can serve as a rough guide.
Peripheral nerves are axons of nerve cells. It's logical that folate might help out these nerves as well. If you have had spinal trauma, or are suffering from peripheral neuropathy, consider folate. Folic acid is the most common form of the vitamin. But some people don't respond well to it due to subtle genetic anomalies. If you don't respond well to it, the folic acid derivative Folapro may be a better alternative. Both nutrients are widely available in health food stores and online.
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Old 07-01-2011, 08:40 PM
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Vitamin B 12 injections daily can do wonders also.. probably if combined you'd have a real winner therapy. A doctor in Mexico gave me B12 injections, each one 10,000 mcg, which I took weekly, thats 10 mg. Thats the only dosage their B12 in syringe comes in in their pharmacies. When I told him that docs in the US only give 1000mcg a month (1mg) he laughed!

Neuropathys also respond to R Alpha Lipoic Acid
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius

Last edited by Arrowwind09; 07-01-2011 at 08:44 PM. Reason: 122
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Old 07-02-2011, 08:51 AM
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Default OPC Factor?

A few years ago I faithfully took effervescent (which supposedly greatly enhanced absorption) OPC Factor for about a year (at about $1/package). It contains among many ingredients, 120 mcg B12, which the package says is 2,000% of Daily Value. Did zilch for my neuropathy. I see now (from your statement) it may have simply not been anywhere near enough or that injections might be required. I've also tried R-Lipoic Acid, as well as ALA, which also seems to do nothing for my neuropathy.

I've been under the treatment of an upper cervical specific chiropractor who has done miraculous things for my fibromyalgia in the last year. He says eventually my neuropathy may well heal too, but of course nerves do not heal quickly. I'm going to pass along Dr. Rowen's article to Dr. Tom Gibson; perhaps he will want to recommend folate to his patients to aid in their recovery. He's very open to natural supplements and carefully researches topics to help his patients. If you have chronic pain - fibro, migraines, whatever - I highly recommend him if you're in the Sacramento, CA area.

I already take 800 mcg Folic Acid twice a day, but, again, maybe it's not enough or my body doesn't respond to that form. I've ordered some of the Folapro Dr. Rowen mentions; will be interesting to see what happens. The neuropathy actually limits me more now than than the fibromyagia does, especially during hot weather. Evening Primrose Oil has helped the burning in my feet, but they still become very hot and painful when shut up in shoes on hot days.
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