Bill 499 in California is just one step in a very big move by the World health Organization the Codex Alimentarious to slowly but surely take away all possibility of the consumer to turn to alternative medicines and natural supplements to stay healthy

In the US the Pharmaceutical industry has so much power that they can and do dictate to the local and federal governments policy concerning your health

Understand, since natural remedies for age old ailments can NOT be patented Big Pharma can NOT produce it and therefore can not make a profit., So they must control it or make it go away! Having said this because it has been mandated by Big Pharma to squash any and all natural, herbal remedies to the extent of A. Introducing legislation to ban, control , or eliminate the substance in question. B. To have any research prohibited by any company, organization, Medical or other wise brought to the legal system and fined ,shut down , and all persons in control charged with an offense, IE (Dr Bryzinski please Google for more info on the good Dr.) where by if that person is a medical doctor have his/her license revoked, fined and thrown in jail. The FDA, and Big Pharma will go as far as to Bribe, threaten, and cause such a situation as to cause the research or finding to either stop or vanish.
A perfect example of their power is Bill 499 in California to forcibly have young girls as young as 12 years of age be vaccinated for STD's without the parents consent, and if the parents refuse they can have their child taken from them and be fined , thrown in jail or both! (whats wrong with that picture?)

If you are a research Doctor and you find a cure for a disease through a natural means in the U.S. if you were to announce it publicly you would be immediately arrested thrown in jail, DO NOT PASS GO!!!Even if you had undisputed proof.... What this means for you is that your research would for all intense and purposes disappear and in the United States you would never be able to practice any kind of medicine or do research again the FDA and BIG PHARMA would make sure of it.
So To make a very long story short it is not the Government dictating what you may or may not take for your health, in truth it is the the Massive Pharmaceutical Lobby that is telling you what to take how much and reaping insane profits, and doing their very best to keep you sick for as long as possible so they may squeeze every single penny from you.

and this is just the tip of a very, very large iceberg.
All I can say to this is simply it is your right as laid out in the Constitution U.S. and the Charter of Rights in Canada. to have the opportunity to choose whats right for you and your family, it is imperative that the FDA, the Codex Alimentarious, Big Pharma big be stopped and those persons in charge be thrown in jail!!. You must contact your congressman/Woman or your Minister of Parliament (Canada) and voice your desire to have the decision left in the peoples hands and NOT the Lobbyists, or the Governments. it is your right to choose what kind of health regimen you want and no one else!!!
More to come stay tuned